Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China Test | Final Test - Medium

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Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Jung have to rush to get back on a train during her trip to Peking?
(a) She feels so trapped that she needs some fresh air before the train leaves again.
(b) She had to use the restroom, but there are people riding the train on the toilets.
(c) She thinks she sees Mao, but it turns out to be someone else.
(d) She has to buy some food because she is starving.

2. How are most of the young people feeling during the political unrest and the famine?
(a) Defensive and suspicious.
(b) Confident and strong.
(c) Confused and concerned.
(d) Brave and true,

3. What is the term that describes a doctor that works alongside the peasants?
(a) Simple Healer.
(b) Midwife.
(c) Doctor of the People.
(d) Barefoot Doctor.

4. What does Jung's sister do that Jung thinks is disloyal to her parents?
(a) She joins a street gang.
(b) She has a boyfriend.
(c) She sells books on the black market.
(d) She joins a dance troupe.

5. What is Chang Shou-yu's punishment for being denounced as a capitalist?
(a) He is put in prison for thirty days.
(b) He is demoted and stripped of all his titles.
(c) He must attend denunciation meetings.
(d) He must pay hefty fines to the party.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Mao's goal in sending the middle school children to the country?

2. Why is Jung sent away from her country camp?

3. How old is Xiao-fang when he finally receives his first schooling?

4. What allows Jung the power to challenge Mao in her mind for the first time?

5. What is the name that Mao gave his group of young followers?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are Chang Shou-yu and De-hong still making money even though they are not working due to their illnesses?

2. What happens to an article that Mao writes for the newspaper?

3. What does Jung want more than anything our of her university experience?

4. What does the cook do for De-hong while she is sick with hepatitis?

5. Why is Jung so eager to go and study in the West?

6. What does Jung's younger sister do with her boyfriend?

7. What happened to Yu-Fang before she died?

8. What does Young make for Jung to show his kindness?

9. Why does Jung not want to get well when she falls ill at the country camp?

10. What happens as Jung tries to re-board her train when coming home from her trip to Peking?

(see the answer keys)

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