Why I Don't Write Test | Final Test - Medium

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Why I Don't Write Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Boston Common at Twilight," why are Ned's parents splitting up?
(a) Ned's father has fallen in love with another woman.
(b) Because of Ned's mother's drinking.
(c) Ned's father is under criminal investigation.
(d) Ned's father wants to move the family to the West Coast for his business.

2. In "While It Lasts," why is Bonnie unable to hear the last thing that Mr. Buffy tries to tell her?
(a) George hurries her away.
(b) Mr. Buffy is on the other side of the glass door.
(c) The wind is too loud.
(d) A car honks its horn just as he speaks.

3. In "Café Mort," how did the narrator's "beloved" die?
(a) He was attacked by a shark in South Africa.
(b) In a Jeep rollover in Kenya.
(c) In a skydiving accident in Australia.
(d) In a crevasse in Alaska.

4. In "While It Lasts," what does Bonnie think is Isabel's problem with finding love?
(a) She thinks that Isabel's drinking turns men off.
(b) She thinks that Isabel's standards are too high.
(c) She thinks that Isabel might not actually be attracted to men.
(d) She thinks that Isabel is not serious enough about life.

5. In "Café Mort," who comes in with the electrocuted woman?
(a) Her sister.
(b) Her daughter.
(c) Her husband.
(d) Her nurse.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Café Mort," how does the narrator unwind after a shift at work?

2. On page 75 of "Why I Don't Write," the exclamation point in "Passing a man who holds your gaze!" is likely meant to convey what emotions?

3. In "Boston Common at Twilight," what does Ned like about staying with his aunt?

4. In "Café Mort," what is true of all of the employees?

5. In "While It Lasts," what does Isabel claim is "antisocial" (80)?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "Café Mort," what does the narrator need to rid herself of before she can leave the café?

2. In "While It Lasts," what subject does Isabel keep making bitter jokes about, and why does she do this?

3. In "Café Mort," what does her experience at the café teach the narrator about being "lucky" in life?

4. In "While It Lasts," what is Isabel's main complaint about Richard, and what does she think is the cause of the problem?

5. In "Boston Common at Twilight," what alternative place to stay is available to Ned, and why does he prefer to stay with his aunt?

6. In "Café Mort," what does the narrator mean when, on page 89, she says "It's always an endless night"?

7. In "While It Lasts," why does Bonnie think that George is a particularly good match for her?

8. In "Boston Common at Twilight," what clues does Minot offer that the woman in the park might be biologically male?

9. In the second paragraph of "Why I Don't Write," what is the implication of the list following the phrase "then it all stops" (65)?

10. In "Café Mort," what evidence is there that the narrator is ready to leave her grief behind even before Anita speaks to her?

(see the answer keys)

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