Whittington Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alan Armstrong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Whittington Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alan Armstrong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color is Abby's hair?
(a) Black.
(b) Auburn.
(c) Golden.
(d) Brown.

2. What does the Lady ask Abby to bring to the barn the next day?
(a) An ear of corn.
(b) A bag.
(c) A book.
(d) A rat trap.

3. How cold is it on the night the black hen is frozen?
(a) Zero degrees.
(b) Ten degrees below zero.
(c) Five degrees below zero.
(d) Fifteen degrees below zero.

4. What does the rooster find by kicking away straw and dung?
(a) Snails.
(b) Roots.
(c) Worms.
(d) New grass and weeds.

5. What does the merchant want to know from Dick?
(a) What he plans to do with his life.
(b) Why he came to London.
(c) Where he comes from.
(d) What useful skill he has.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the horses' initial response to the idea of Whittington moving into the barn?

2. What does Bernie put down, to try to make the farm road more passable?

3. Where do the bantams roost when not sitting on eggs?

4. What vehicle does the vet come in?

5. What did Ben take before locking himself in the bathroom?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens that causes Dick Whittington's cat to vow vengeance on a rat?

2. What reaction does the cook have when Dick faints at her door?

3. What is Whittington and the Lady's plan to stop Havey from always chasing the duck?

4. What does Whittington the cat look like?

5. How does the captain react to Dick Whittington's cat?

6. How was Whittington separated from his boy?

7. What advice does the vet give Bernie when he calls about Spooker?

8. What does the Lady tell Whittington about the horses, when Whittington first arrives in the barn?

9. What worries Abby about the chickens' spring eating habits?

10. What does Whittington slip off and do immediately after the first part of his story about Dick Whittington?

(see the answer keys)

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