While I Was Gone Test | Final Test - Medium

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While I Was Gone Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Eli decide to move into the group house?
(a) To make new friends.
(b) To get cheap rent.
(c) To be closer to campus.
(d) To re-ignite his affair with Dana.

2. What does Eli ask Jo at the party?
(a) If she would help him find a farmhouse like hers.
(b) If she would have lunch with him next week.
(c) If she would like to talk about Dana some day.
(d) If she would go to Boston with him for a convention.

3. What decision has Jo made in Chapter 13?
(a) To expand her practice.
(b) To inform the police about Eli's confession.
(c) To take a vacation by herself.
(d) To divorce Daniel.

4. What is the state of Jo and Daniel's marriage in Chapter 12?
(a) Passionate.
(b) Strained.
(c) Happy.
(d) Romantic.

5. What has cast doubt on Jo's credibility?
(a) Her drug use.
(b) Her alcoholism.
(c) Her history of secrecy.
(d) Her extramarital affairs.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom does Jo write a letter of apology in Chapter 14?

2. Where do Jo and her mother go to listen to Christmas music?

3. In what year was Dana killed?

4. What is Daniel reminded of as Jo recounts the events at the police station?

5. What does Eli do when he sees Jo in the library?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Jo and Eli meet, and what do each of them say about their respective marriages?

2. Describe the pleasant evening Eli and Jean spend at Jo and Daniel's holiday party.

3. What annoys Jo about Cass' visit?

4. How has Jo's secret meeting with Eli damaged her relationship with Daniel?

5. Describe the setting in which Eli killed Dana.

6. How does Jo indicate by her actions in Boston what her intentions with Eli are?

7. How does Jo not pick up on why Daniel is upset with her after she meets Eli?

8. What are Jo's thoughts as she drives to Cambridge to report Eli to the police?

9. Are Jo's concerns for Cass' welfare particularly painful because Jo lived a similar lifestyle in her youth?

10. How does Jo's reporting Eli's murder impact Sadie's life in a way Jo never considered?

(see the answer keys)

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