When We Were Orphans Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When We Were Orphans Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the date and location of Part IV?
(a) September 15, 1931 in Shanghai.
(b) September 20, 1937 in Shanghai.
(c) November 8, 1958 in London
(d) September 1, 1931 in London.

2. What does Uncle Philip say happened to Christopher's father?
(a) His father died in a boating accident.
(b) His father joined the circus.
(c) His father shot himself in the head.
(d) His father ran off with his mistress.

3. Where does Christopher ask his driver to point him?
(a) A safehouse.
(b) A public house.
(c) A police station.
(d) A restaurant.

4. What is Morgan's manner like when he and Christopher meet?
(a) Morgan is urgent in a nonchalant way.
(b) Morgan is fighting back tears.
(c) Morgan is comfortable.
(d) Morgan is scattered.

5. What do the Japanese soldiers do with Christopher?
(a) The soldiers take Christopher to their camp and take care of him.
(b) The soldiers give Christopher a shot of whisky from a flask.
(c) The soldiers arrest Christopher.
(d) The soldiers beat Christopher up.

6. Where does Christopher meet Sarah on the day they are to leave?
(a) Nanking Road.
(b) The Inn of Morning Happiness.
(c) A phonograph store.
(d) The city center.

7. How does Akira respond when he enters the house of the blind man?
(a) Akira faints.
(b) Akira breaks into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.
(c) Akira breaks into a fit of uncontrollable sobbing.
(d) Akira screams.

8. Who does Yellow Snake turn out to be?
(a) Christopher's father.
(b) Christopher's mother.
(c) Uncle Philip.
(d) Akira.

9. What are Christopher's thoughts about Sarah at the end of the book?
(a) Christopher believes Sarah became Wang Ku's concubine.
(b) Christopher believes Sarah always loved him.
(c) Christopher is unconvinced Sarah found what she was looking for.
(d) Christopher believes Sarah realized her dreams.

10. What do the Japanese soldiers tell Christopher about Akira?
(a) Akira is a brave soldier.
(b) Akira is needed at the base.
(c) Akira is suspected of being a traitor.
(d) Akira is a homosexual.

11. How is Christopher greeted at the police station?
(a) Enthusiastically.
(b) Luke-warmly
(c) Coldly.
(d) Warmly.

12. Why does Christopher's driver stop when they are looking for the blind actor's house?
(a) The car runs out of gas.
(b) The car is hit by a rocket.
(c) Christopher's driver turns out to be a spy.
(d) Christopher and the driver come upon the war zone.

13. What is the date and location of Part VII?
(a) November 1, 1956, London.
(b) November 14, 1958, London.
(c) Novmeber 20, 1952, London.
(d) November 23, 1957, London.

14. What is the truth about Christopher's mother?
(a) Wang Ku takes her as his concubine.
(b) She runs away to the United States.
(c) She commits suicide.
(d) Uncle Philip shoots her.

15. How does Christopher feel about his chances of bringing his case in Shanghai to a happy conclusion?
(a) Christopher feels optimistic.
(b) Christopher feels pessimistic.
(c) Christopher feels ambivalent.
(d) Christopher feels cautious.

Short Answer Questions

1. What landmark is Christopher looking for?

2. Under what circumstances would Sarah leave Shanghai?

3. What killings does Christopher ask MacDonald about?

4. What ceremony does Mr. Grayson claim to be in charge of?

5. What is Sir Cecil's state of mind at the Lucky Chance Club?

(see the answer keys)

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