When the Tripods Came Test | Final Test - Easy

John Christopher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Tripods Came Test | Final Test - Easy

John Christopher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the first to join the group?
(a) Hans
(b) Karmen
(c) Hannah
(d) Karl

2. How does Laurie greet Ilse when he first sees her?
(a) Hugs her
(b) Gives her his gift
(c) Shakes her hand
(d) Yells at her

3. Who does Pa say is in charge when they arrive in Guernsey?
(a) The uncapped
(b) The police
(c) The Capped
(d) The Royal Family

4. Who opens the door when Laurie arrives where Andy is being held?
(a) Rudi's mother
(b) Rudi's father
(c) A villager Laurie doesn't know
(d) An officer from the police station

5. Where do the police take Andy and Laurie after the fight at the train station?
(a) Back to the train
(b) Nowhere
(c) To jail
(d) To a security office

6. What is xenophbia?
(a) Fear of spiders
(b) Fear of anything with peanut butter
(c) Fear of Tripods
(d) Fear for foreigners

7. What does Pa do that he believes will render the Cap harmless?
(a) Removes a battery
(b) Cuts some wires
(c) Pokes holes in it
(d) Lines it with metal

8. How many police roadblocks are there on the way to the boat?
(a) Two
(b) None
(c) One
(d) Three

9. How long does it take for the Tripods to send a replacement for the patrols?
(a) Four days
(b) Months
(c) There isn't a replacement
(d) A week

10. What is the ice sculpture that intrigues Andy?
(a) A fairy
(b) A king
(c) A butterfly
(d) A car

11. What does Laurie learn happened to Ilse's father during the night he was gone?
(a) He had another attack and was taken to the hospital
(b) He died
(c) He ran away to be Capped
(d) He recovered

12. What does Pa have in his hand when he returns to the house the second time?
(a) An extra Cap
(b) A shotgun
(c) A wrench
(d) A strap

13. Where does Laurie plan to get the present he's going to give Angela?
(a) He's going to ask Ilse to make it
(b) From the village
(c) From the hotel
(d) From a nearby farm

14. What causes Ilse's mother's death?
(a) She has a heart attack
(b) She freezes to death
(c) There's no apparent cause
(d) She jumps from a cliff

15. What does Ilse's father do all day?
(a) Looks after the chickens
(b) Stares out a window
(c) Stays in bed or sits on the verandah
(d) Talks about the Tripods

Short Answer Questions

1. Who among the villagers are not Capped after the army is defeated?

2. How are the soldiers armed when the family arrives in Switzerland?

3. How many Tripods come to check out the wreck of the destroyed Tripod?

4. What is near the umbrella stand at the doorway of Rudi's house?

5. What does Laurie come up with as an idea for a birthday gift for Angela?

(see the answer keys)

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