Wench Test | Final Test - Easy

Dolen Perkins-Valdez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Wench Test | Final Test - Easy

Dolen Perkins-Valdez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the cook at the Tawawa House who befriends Lizzie?
(a) Clarissa.
(b) Abilene.
(c) Celia.
(d) Sara.

2. Who does Mawu credit for Philip's good luck in being sold to the barber?
(a) Drayle.
(b) Reenie.
(c) George.
(d) Lizzie.

3. What does Lizzie want to do before they leave the resort?
(a) Swim in the river.
(b) Have a picnic.
(c) See Mawu.
(d) Visit a doctor.

4. What do Reenie and Lizzie cook over the barbecue fire?
(a) Pork chops.
(b) Chicken.
(c) Beef tips.
(d) Partridges.

5. What rumor does Mawu tell the women about the Tawawa House?
(a) It is installing a new swimming pool.
(b) It is going to close after this season.
(c) It has been sold to new owners.
(d) It will no longer allow slaves as guests.

6. What consumes Lizzie's thoughts as they prepare to leave the resort?
(a) Her unborn child.
(b) Killing Drayle.
(c) Escaping.
(d) Sweet.

7. Lizzie knows that she must have faith in whom?
(a) Herself.
(b) Drayle.
(c) Nate.
(d) Rabbit.

8. In what state does Lizzie live with her master?
(a) Alabama.
(b) Louisiana.
(c) Tennessee.
(d) Mississippi.

9. Where does Reenie now work as a maid?
(a) Atlanta.
(b) Cincinnati.
(c) New York.
(d) Chicago.

10. What is Sweet doing when the slave women go to her cabin?
(a) She is cooking.
(b) She is naked and lying on her bed.
(c) She is in the fetal position on the floor.
(d) She is reading poems.

11. Why does Mawu want Glory to "fix" her?
(a) She wants to play the piano.
(b) She needs a salve for a skin rash.
(c) She wants to read and write.
(d) She doesn't want any more children.

12. Mawu feeds Sweet pieces of __________________ dipped in water.
(a) Cornbread.
(b) Fruit.
(c) Bread.
(d) Candy.

13. How does Fran react when Lizzie tells her that she has drunk a special tea to abort a baby?
(a) She threatens to slap Lizzie.
(b) She cries.
(c) She doesn't say anything.
(d) She laughs.

14. What does Mawu give to Lizzie before she leaves?
(a) A pamphlet.
(b) A scarf.
(c) A map of safe houses.
(d) A potion.

15. What has Drayle forbidden Lizzie to do?
(a) Tend to Philip chained to a tree.
(b) Buy a new dress.
(c) Call him by his first name.
(d) Have an abortion.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Glory deliver to the resort?

2. What do the slave women at the resort gather for Sweet?

3. What does Lizzie notice right away when she sees Glory?

4. What does Philip offer to do for Lizzie when he meets her?

5. Which of the following does Lizzie NOT wish for?

(see the answer keys)

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