We Are Okay Test | Final Test - Medium

LaCour, Nina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

We Are Okay Test | Final Test - Medium

LaCour, Nina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Marin stop using the water at the motel?
(a) She thinks the water is burning her.
(b) Bugs crawl out of the faucet when she uses it.
(c) She thinks she hears Gramps singing every time she turns the faucet on.
(d) She thinks the water is really dirty.

2. What does Marin ask Gramps in Chapter Fifteen that he scoffs at?
(a) If he has enough money to live on.
(b) If he is going to stop playing poker.
(c) Whether he has been to the doctor.
(d) If he is going to stop surfing.

3. What does Mabel say about Gramps in hindsight?
(a) He was never nice to Mabel.
(b) He seemed sick for a long time.
(c) He was never really nice to Marin.
(d) He seemed happy.

4. What character does Marin think of when getting ready for bed in Chapter Eleven?
(a) Madame Bovary.
(b) Romeo.
(c) Hester Prynne.
(d) Jayne Eyre.

5. What does Gramps tell Marin when she says all she cares about his having him?
(a) He is going away soon for a while.
(b) He will always be there for her.
(c) She has always been a smart girl.
(d) She does not need him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gramps ask Marin and Mabel about when he sees them on the street in Chapter Ten?

2. What does Mabel do when Marin tells her she had been lonely with Gramps?

3. What does Marin take to the airport with her in Chapter Twenty-One?

4. What doe Marin notice about Gramps that worries her in Chapter Fifteen?

5. What did Mabel and Marin do when the power went out during their sophomore year?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Mabel tell Marin her parents were cleaning out her brother's old room?

2. What does Marin most fear her presence with Gramps is doing to him in Part III?

3. What is awkward at Tommy's house for Marin and Mabel?

4. What painting does Mabel show Marin in Chapter Eight?

5. In Chapter Ten, what do Mabel and Marin do when they sneak out together?

6. In Chapter Fifteen, what did Marin notice was wrong with Gramps?

7. In Chapter Fifteen, why are both Marin and Mabel relieved when Marin declines the invitation to drive Mabel to college with Mabel's parents?

8. In Chapter Seventeen, what does the stranger on the beach ask Marin that repulses her?

9. What does Marin ask Mabel about in detail in Chapter Fourteen that is hard for Marin to do but she knows is the right thing?

10. Where does Marin stay when she first arrives in her college town, and what does Mabel ask her about this time period?

(see the answer keys)

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