The Way of the World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Congreve believe about good satirists?
(a) They have the freedom to lampoon the famous.
(b) They have the obligation to discuss sexual topics in a funny way.
(c) They should keep their subjects anonymous.
(d) They should enjoy their power.

2. What does Mrs. Marwood's discussion with Fainall reveal about her character?
(a) It demonstrates her ability to get information from anyone.
(b) It conveys her willingness to hurt anyone in order to get her way.
(c) It suggests Fainall blackmailed Mirabell about his affair with his wife, Mrs. Fainall.
(d) It shows she conspires with him often.

3. Why is the Fainall marriage over?
(a) Because Lady Wishfort feels her daughter could do better.
(b) Because Mrs. Marwood told Fainall of his wife's affair with Mirabell.
(c) Because Mrs. Fainall wants a divorce.
(d) Because Mrs. Fainall has learned of his affair with Mrs. Marwood.

4. Why does Lady Wishfort criticize her daughter, Mrs. Fainall?
(a) She believes the moral example she set should have been followed.
(b) She is jealous of her love affairs.
(c) Because she discovers she is an adulteress.
(d) Mrs. Marwood convinces her of Mrs. Fainall's chastity.

5. Why does Mrs. Marwood urge Lady Wishfort to reconsider her desire to hear Fainall's proof of his wife's adultery?
(a) Nothing warrants her daughter's actions.
(b) Mrs. Fainall is still carrying on.
(c) A public scandal would damage the family's reputation.
(d) Her daughter betrayed her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Congreve's claim that there are three types of critics includes all except one of the following. Which one is it?

2. Why does Mrs. Millamant leave the room after the arrival of Witwoud and Petulant?

3. Why does Lady Wishfort praise Mrs. Marwood at the beginning of Act 5, Scene 2?

4. What demands does Mrs. Millamant's discussion with Mirabell about marriage reveal?

5. Who would have received Mrs. Millamant's fortune if Lady Wishfort took it from her?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do critics today differ from Congreve's description of them?

2. Why is this play considered to be universal instead of simply a Restoration comedy of manners?

3. Discuss Lady Wishfort's reaction to Foible's revelations in Act 5, Scene 1.

4. Is Mirabell's elaborate plot going to be successful? Explain why or why not?

5. As Act 4, Scene 2 opens Waitwell seems to be successful in his pursuit of Lady Wishfort. Why is this so? What is Lady Wishfort's reaction?

6. Discuss Mrs. Marwood's statements in Act 5, Scene 2.

7. Why does Mirabell agree to help the Fainall's achieve peace in their marriage?

8. What is the significance of the black box?

9. Why do we feel sympathy for Lady Wishfort even though she is vain and is berating a servant at the beginning Act 5, Scene 1?

10. Why is Mrs. Marwood trying to provoke Mrs. Millamant in Act 3, Scene 3?

(see the answer keys)

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