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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 39 | Chapter 40.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the name of the rabbit's folk hero?
(a) Al-iona
(b) Eldorado
(c) El-ahrairah
(d) Joopler
2. Which rabbit becomes frightened by the story?
(a) Fiver
(b) Pipkin
(c) Bigwig
(d) Strawberry
3. On what are the rabbits drifting down the river?
(a) A boat
(b) A piece of wood
(c) A log
(d) A raft
4. Where does Fiver think Hazel is?
(a) In a cage
(b) In a hole
(c) In a coffin
(d) In a new warren
5. Where does Bigwig bite Hawkbit?
(a) Foot
(b) Ear
(c) Tail
(d) Throat
Short Answer Questions
1. What has Bigwig been saying in his sleep?
2. Who coaxes the rabbits into crossing the river?
3. What will the rabbits use to escape the Efrafa?
4. Who tries to stop the boat?
5. What is the name of Fiver's brother?
This section contains 140 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) |