Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What approaches to Hegel's philosophy did Nicolai Hartmann compare?
(a) Historical and philosophical.
(b) Feminist and modernist.
(c) Verbal and reality-based.
(d) Practical and theoretical.

2. What does homogeneity depend on?
(a) Workers owning the means of production.
(b) Owners keeping the workers down.
(c) A productive system.
(d) Continual revolution.

3. What value does money articulate for workers?
(a) The value of what they produce.
(b) The value of their personal worth.
(c) The value of their ideas.
(d) The value of their status.

4. What did Engels work for eight years to develop, but ultimately disavow?
(a) A dialectics of nature.
(b) A dialectics of religion.
(c) A dialectics of manufacturing.
(d) A dialectics of mathematics.

5. What are the two forms of heterogeneity Bataille introduces in "Psychological Structure of Fascism"?
(a) The Marxist revolution and the capitalist marketplace.
(b) The policeman and the drunkard.
(c) The bourgeois merchant and the Jewish banker.
(d) The sovereign and the worker.

6. What is classical utility theory inadequate to define, in Bataille's opinion?
(a) The value of tranquility.
(b) What is useful to man.
(c) The value of religious belief.
(d) What is aesthetically valuable.

7. What does Bataille describe as the only truly liberating act?
(a) Art.
(b) Revolutionary destruction.
(c) Lovemaking.
(d) Suicide.

8. What did Hegel claim about nature?
(a) That it was motivated by the Oversoul.
(b) That it was unreasonable.
(c) That it was the human soul externalized.
(d) That it contained the world-spirit.

9. Which of the following does Bataille NOT use as an example of unproductive expenditure without value beyond itself?
(a) Art.
(b) Luxuries.
(c) Public gardens.
(d) War.

10. What does Bataille say is the only religion for fascists?
(a) Power.
(b) Technology.
(c) Race.
(d) Christianity.

11. What was Bataille summing up in his "Propositions"?
(a) His thoughts on Nietzschean metaphysics.
(b) His thoughts on sex and perversity in modern life.
(c) His thoughts on the death of God.
(d) His thoughts on modern culture.

12. What does Bataille describe in "The Critique of the Foundations of the Hegelian Dialectic"?
(a) How Marx's dialectic method was developed.
(b) How Marx's dialectic method was misinterpreted.
(c) How Hegel's dialectic method inspired revolutions.
(d) How Marx's dialectic method was critiqued.

13. What is the significance of the image of the labyrinth in the "The Labyrinth"?
(a) It represents the deadly stakes in self-knowledge.
(b) It is a metaphor for social existence.
(c) It is a symbol of man's inner state.
(d) It is a metaphor for being.

14. What does Bataille say about the knife whose handle and blade are changed indefinitely?
(a) It is no longer the same knife.
(b) It partakes of the eternal form of knife-ness.
(c) It is a capitalist knife, with its value in its use alone.
(d) It is a modern knife, with replaceable parts.

15. What does Bataille say Nietzschean pride comes from?
(a) The need for individuality in times when individuality is impossible.
(b) The desire for personal power but not for social power.
(c) The power of language and the chaos of experience.
(d) Life's disintegration and the will to power.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does being become undefined, according to Bataille?

2. What feeling does Bataille say grows in response to revolutionaries?

3. How do men express their 'being', in "The Labyrinth"?

4. What does Bataille say poor people cannot stop rich people from doing?

5. What does Bataille say scientists said about the dialectic?

(see the answer keys)

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