Violets Are Blue Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Violets Are Blue Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the Mastermind?
(a) Westin
(b) Sampson
(c) Hughes
(d) Craig

2. The case is winding up but Cross is still uneasy. Why?
(a) Craig is missing
(b) Another murder happens
(c) Mastermind is still at large
(d) Jamilla won't return his calls

3. Who is not a suspect in the murder case?
(a) William
(b) Daniel
(c) Casanova
(d) Charles

4. What happens to Hughes?
(a) Stabbed
(b) Mugged
(c) Led astray
(d) Kidnapped

5. Who breaks into Hughes' house?
(a) FBI agent
(b) Burns
(c) Vampires
(d) Mastermind

6. Who follows the magicians to New Orleans?
(a) Hughes
(b) O'Hara
(c) Daniel and Charles
(d) The brothers

7. How does Sampson learn about Mastermind?
(a) FBI bulletin
(b) Reads it in the newspaper
(c) He goes to the FBI
(d) Cross calls him

8. Why does the Mastermind target Cross' partners?
(a) He is jealous
(b) He hates women
(c) Cross deserves to be miserable
(d) It's a game

9. How are the vampires and Hughes disguised?
(a) Vampire masks
(b) Wearing hooded robes
(c) Hidden behind shrubs
(d) Sunglasses and hats

10. How does Craig's living brother want him to be punished?
(a) Life in prison
(b) Wants to shoot him like he did their brother
(c) Burn in hell
(d) Electric chair

11. Why does the Mastermind reject killing Cross?
(a) It's too dark to see his eyes
(b) Bad timing
(c) He wants to kill Cross at home
(d) Hughes is in the way

12. Why does Craig claim he won't be convicted?
(a) Craig will disappear
(b) No one will believe Cross
(c) Cross has no evidence
(d) Craig will kill Cross first

13. Why are the visitors worried about finding prey?
(a) It's too crowded
(b) It's not their territory
(c) They don't have permission
(d) Cops are nearby

14. What must happen before Craig is caught?
(a) He has to flee the country
(b) He has to destroy his souvenirs
(c) Cross must die
(d) He must confront Hughes

15. Where does the tunnel lead?
(a) Barn
(b) Sire's bedroom
(c) Cave
(d) Outside

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hughes pretend to be looking for when she is approached?

2. What is Hughes' opinion of Craig?

3. Where does Craig's family live?

4. Where does Cross meet up with his family?

5. Who/what does Cross request at the new headquarters?

(see the answer keys)

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