Upon the Head of the Goat: A Childhood in Hungary 1939-1944 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Upon the Head of the Goat: A Childhood in Hungary 1939-1944 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Mother leave the city?
(a) To look for Father.
(b) To tell Lajos' family what happened.
(c) To buy another goat.
(d) To secure passage out of Beregszasz.

2. What did Iboya confess about Mr. Schwartz?
(a) He was her lover.
(b) He was reporting Jews to the police.
(c) He was smuggling Jews.
(d) He was a bootlegger.

3. How has Lilli and Lajos been sent away?
(a) They got sick and were caught.
(b) They were turned in by informants.
(c) They were caught stealing.
(d) They were reported as Jews.

4. What did Mother do to take care of her family?
(a) Bribed German soldiers.
(b) Found food.
(c) Heated water for baths.
(d) Arranged for her children to escape.

5. What traveled in front of the family home?
(a) A procession of wagons.
(b) Columns of soldiers.
(c) Factory equipment.
(d) Columns of tanks.

6. How does Piri describe the ghetto?
(a) A work camp.
(b) A death camp.
(c) A brick factory turned prison.
(d) A prison.

7. How had Lilli and Lajos been sent away?
(a) By freight train.
(b) By foot.
(c) By truck.
(d) By underground railroad.

8. What did Piri and Iboya find when they went to the provision center?
(a) There wasn't enough of anything to go around.
(b) The Jews wouldn't get anything.
(c) The Germans were keeping everything for themselves.
(d) There was a ranking system that governed who got the supplies.

9. Who was Mr. Shuster?
(a) An agent provocateur.
(b) A very sick man in the ghetto.
(c) The leader of the resistance.
(d) The leader of the ghetto.

10. How had Luzja killed herself?
(a) She took pills.
(b) She slit her wrists.
(c) She jumped into the river.
(d) She stepped in front of a train.

11. Why did Mr. Shuster oppose Mother's plans?
(a) He was forbidden to allow any luxuries.
(b) It would anger the Germans.
(c) He feared reprisals if the Jews rose up.
(d) He was full of his own power.

12. What did Mother have to wait for?
(a) Her health.
(b) The weather.
(c) A passport.
(d) A call from Manci.

13. What happened to Dr. Feher?
(a) He stopped making house calls.
(b) He shot himself after his wife and daughter had been raped.
(c) He left for America.
(d) He was arrested.

14. What did Mother received from Lajos' parents?
(a) A letter.
(b) A telegram.
(c) A key.
(d) A gift.

15. What did the family know was coming?
(a) They would have to flee.
(b) They would be killed.
(c) They would be taken to the ghetto.
(d) They would be arrested.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Dr. Feher give Mother?

2. Where was Iboya when the Germans came?

3. Where did Piri and her friends spend a lot of their time?

4. What was Mother's response to Uncle Sanyi?

5. What did Mother try to do?

(see the answer keys)

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