Up at the Villa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up at the Villa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mary say about Karl when asked?
(a) That he seemed odd.
(b) That he seemed sad.
(c) That he was handsome.
(d) That he wasn't a good musician.

2. Why is Rowley driving fast?
(a) He is angry that Mary called him.
(b) He is nervous.
(c) He always drives fast.
(d) To get finished before daylight.

3. Why doesn't Mary think it would be wise to call the police?
(a) She is not a citizen of that country.
(b) Because Nina had come and said she heard a bang.
(c) She is afraid that they will arrest her right away.
(d) She thinks she should call the police.

4. What does Karl tell Mary and she says she does not feel the same way?
(a) Karl says his time in bed with her was the best experience he has ever had.
(b) Karl tells Mary he loves her.
(c) Karl tells Mary he wants to gain revenge against the Germans.
(d) Nothing.

5. What does Mary tell Karl the reason she has sex with him?
(a) She does not know why.
(b) As an act of kindness to give him a short time of happiness.
(c) She was curious.
(d) She was lonely.

6. Where is Mary when she receives a telegram?
(a) Having dinner with Rowley.
(b) Still at Villa Bolognese.
(c) In the garden at her villa.
(d) Asleep.

7. What does Mary force herself to do?
(a) Act naturally.
(b) Clean up a little blood remaining on the floor.
(c) Eat some breakfast.
(d) Bathe.

8. About what is Rowley concerned?
(a) That someone might accuse him of killing Karl in a jealous rage.
(b) That the gun can be traced.
(c) He is confident and unconcerned.
(d) That Mary will break down and admit her part.

9. What does Nina tell Mary as Mary is about to leave?
(a) Rowley is in the parlour.
(b) The police just called.
(c) Edgar just called.
(d) She is beautiful.

10. What does Mary do at the end of the chapter?
(a) Writes Edgar.
(b) Takes a sleeping pill and falls off to sleep.
(c) Has a big breakfast that Nina cooks.
(d) Calls her lawyer.

11. What does Mary remember as they are down the road a bit?
(a) Edgar is supposed to be there for breakfast.
(b) The bloody towel is still in the car.
(c) Karl had laid his wallet on her dresser.
(d) She is supposed to have breakfast with friends that morning.

12. What does Rowley say about the gun?
(a) He will take care of the gun.
(b) They will have to trust to luck.
(c) They will have to report it stolen.
(d) They will have to toss it in the Arno River.

13. What does Karl do when Mary pulls out her gun?
(a) He turns and runs.
(b) He grabs the gun and shoots at her.
(c) He laughs.
(d) He tells her to shoot him.

14. What makes it easier to hide Karl's death?
(a) He did not tell his landlady where he was going.
(b) He is a foreigner.
(c) He has no identification.
(d) He has no family or friends to miss him.

15. Why does Mary tell Rowley that she has sex with Karl?
(a) That Karl forced her.
(b) The truth.
(c) That he offered her a large sum of money.
(d) She denies they had sex.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Karl do after laying Mary on the bed and kissing her repeatedly?

2. What will Rowley tie onto a rock and drop in the Arno river?

3. What is Rowley's suggestion since Mary doesn't want to call the police?

4. What does Mary decide she must do as soon as possible?

5. How does Mary explain sleeping so late?

(see the answer keys)

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