Unleash the Night Test | Final Test - Medium

Sherrilyn Kenyon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unleash the Night Test | Final Test - Medium

Sherrilyn Kenyon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Karina react to news that Wren is to inherit all of Aristotle's estate?
(a) She sobs and asks why Aristotle does not love her.
(b) She screams and throws things, breaking them.
(c) She asks Aristotle to give her a trust fund from his estate.
(d) He is happy her son is going to be provided for.

2. Why does Wren want to bring Maggie along to the past?
(a) Because he is afraid she will get involved with Zack if left there.
(b) So he can concentrate and not worry about her.
(c) So she can see for sure that he is not guilty.
(d) Because she once expressed the desire to time travel.

3. Who killed Karina?
(a) Aristotle.
(b) Greyson.
(c) She commits suicide.
(d) Karina's lover.

4. What does Wren know that Maggie does not know?
(a) That they cannot be together forever.
(b) That he is now completely broke.
(c) That he is destined to mate with another were creature.
(d) That he must kill his mate once a cub is born.

5. Back in another, earlier decade, what is Wren witnessing?
(a) Maggie being kidnapped and held hostage.
(b) A conversation between Bill Laurens and Aristotle.
(c) A no-holds-barred physical fight between Aristotle and Karina.
(d) A conversation between his mother and uncle.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Wren leave his dad to follow?

2. What contributes to Wren and Maggie's lust for each other?

3. How does Maggie respond when Wren says they must leave immediately?

4. Where do Wren and Maggie go after leaving Maggie's cottage?

5. What does Aristotle do to Maggie?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Wren find out about his past at Savitar's council?

2. How does Maggie react to her new powers in the beginning?

3. What two things does Wren tell Maggie she can't ingest and how does she feel about that?

4. Where does Wren go when he leaves Maggie and what does he plan to do?

5. Why does Maggie's father call her and what does she tell him?

6. What does Wren tell Maggie about the day his parents died?

7. What does Wren hear his mother and uncle talking about in 1980?

8. When Wren and Maggie go back to 1980, they hear his parents arguing. What were they fighting about and how did it turn out?

9. What does Wren's father do to Maggie?

10. How does Maggie feel about the full moon effect and what does she do?

(see the answer keys)

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