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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In Part Three, Chapter 2, while in Lisa's cellar, what question does Sarah Jane ask Lisa?
2. What unexpected question does the woman in the movie theater ask Irene?
3. Why is it unusual that Irene left Peter a Christmas Card on the table?
4. How long has it been from the time Jeremy starts his new job in Part Three to when he visited Lisa's farmhouse shed?
5. What does Irene oddly start saving in a bucket in the kitchen?
Short Essay Questions
1. Using the quote, "...when she'd [Irene] gave no indication that anything unusual had happened or was about to happen or would continue happening without interruption in the days to follow" (127), what might the reader assume about Irene's disappearance?
2. Why does Jeremy relate a weekend in Vegas to what happens to him at Lisa house in Part Three, Chapter 4?
3. How does Jeremy's lack of knowledge about Stephanie's apartment help him discover something critical about himself?
4. What are some of the first signs that Irene is taking her new church very seriously, and that it may be beginning to take over her life?
5. How is Peter Sample's life described at the start of Part Two, Chapter 1? Do not use the exact information provided, but make inferences that can be drawn. Write in your own words.
6. Upon Irene's first visit to Michael Christopher's church, what is his interpretation and the importance of the Bible verse from Luke?
7. In what ways is Irene's new married life in Crescent different from when she lived in Tama? How does the move emotionally affect her?
8. How does Lisa initially respond to her mother's disappearance?
9. The story shifts to the future as Jeremy works his new job and demolishes a shed. It ends by saying, "The shock of the impact, the satisfying crunch of boards cracking under hard steel, the muffled sounds of everything inside being quickly crumpled into unrecognizable pulp" (160). What does Jeremy's illustration say about his past experience in Lisa's shed? In what ways does the account provide further insight into Jeremy's development as a character?
10. How and why does Sarah Jane justify not providing Jeremy access to the phone at the farmhouse after Ezra's accident?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The end of Part Three, Chapter 4 moves the story into the future, 16 months after Jeremy and Stephanie visited Lisa's farmhouse. The description of what took place is foggy at best, but major conclusions can be made about the plot. How does the author choose to chronicle the incident that takes place? What exactly happens to Jeremy and Stephanie and how do the previous chapters of the novel contribute to your understanding?
Essay Topic 2
Lisa Sample's mother, Irene, has doubts about moving to Crescent with her new husband, Peter, at the start of Part Two, Chapter 1. Irene has a difficult time living away from her parents and making friends in this foreign setting. How do you know that Irene is not happy with their move? Why does Irene feel so homesick? What changes take place in Crescent that substantiate her despair?
Essay Topic 3
Part Three, Chapter 4 is set in the future and casts Jeremy as a worker who is rebuilding a shed. His co-worker is surprised that Jeremy knows so much about old sheds and how they are made. Jeremy's memories of being at Lisa Sample’s years before overtake him, and new discoveries are presented through this experience. What does Jeremy explain about his experience at Lisa's house? How do his understandings and revealings relate to Jeremy's growth and change of character from past to present?
This section contains 1,496 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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