Under a White Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Kolbert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Under a White Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Kolbert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To keep the temperature increase at a minimum, the world would have to end all emissions by when?
(a) The next century.
(b) The next few years.
(c) The next five decades.
(d) The next decade.

2. How long would it take to turn carbon dioxide to stone?
(a) Hundreds of years.
(b) Hundreds of thousands of years.
(c) Several years.
(d) Several months.

3. One activist that Kolbert mentions says that sometimes doing nothing is better than what?
(a) Doing something.
(b) Saying nothing.
(c) Looking like a fool.
(d) Making mistakes.

4. What does Kolbert end the chapter wondering about all the burning trash, the acres of glass, the boxes of bumblebees, the vegetables raised on chemicals and captured carbon dioxide?
(a) Are there other plants like this one?
(b) How fast can this become reality everywhere?
(c) Was it all totally cool or totally crazy?
(d) How can she get involved?

5. What did Lin Schwarzkopf help to invent?
(b) The Toadinator trap.
(d) Brodifacoum.

6. How did the co-founders of Climeworks meet?
(a) In a conference.
(b) In college.
(c) In a Starbucks.
(d) At the Paris accord.

7. How far underground would carbon dioxide be injected?
(a) A few inches.
(b) 1/2 mile.
(c) 1 mile.
(d) 10 miles.

8. Lackner realized back in the 1970s what is now well-known that the world is decades away from having what kind of working reactor?
(a) Emissions.
(b) Fusion.
(c) Hydrogen.
(d) Carbon.

9. Which country produces the most emissions?
(a) All African nations combined.
(b) China.
(c) Russia.
(d) The U.S.

10. Kolbert mentions that effects of the first few months of the coronavirus pandemic and how emissions dropped how much?
(a) 70%.
(b) 7%.
(c) 97%.
(d) 17%.

11. How are rodents often currently killed?
(a) Through hunting.
(b) Traps.
(c) Euthanasia.
(d) Poison.

12. When do some people believe that humans began altering the atmosphere, called the early Anthropocene hypothesis?
(a) 80 or 90 years ago.
(b) 8 or 9 years ago.
(c) 800 or 900 years ago.
(d) 8,000 or 9,000 years ago.

13. What does Kolbert use to make yeast glow?
(a) Glow in the dark gel.
(b) A lava lamp.
(c) Fluorescent light.
(d) A jellyfish gene.

14. Kolbert says that, without help, most of the carbon dioxide humans emit would turn to stone eventually, called what?
(a) Chemical solidification.
(b) Chemical aging.
(c) Chemical weathering.
(d) Natural stoning.

15. What did Lackner found in 2014 at ASU?
(a) The Center for Negative Carbon Emissions.
(b) The Center for Disease Control.
(c) The Center for Solar Geoengineering Studies.
(d) The Center for Global Cooling.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Kolbert, if the Anthropocene’s clearest geological marker is a spike in radioactive particles, what is its clearest biological marker?

2. What mammals were first experimented on with CRISPR and the gene drive?

3. What is Brodifacoum?

4. Who is Edda Aradóttir?

5. What is it called to bring a species back from extinction?

(see the answer keys)

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