Tyrell Test | Final Test - Easy

Coe Booth
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Tyrell Test | Final Test - Easy

Coe Booth
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one thing Tyrell knows his father has done with his own freedom?
(a) Take chances.
(b) Never even noticed it was there.
(c) Paid for it.
(d) Respected it and protected it.

2. What does the person at Jasmine's school try to entice Tyrell to come back with?
(a) Cigarettes.
(b) Bootlegged CDs.
(c) Eggs.
(d) Donuts.

3. In Chapter 19, why can Novisha not stay with Tyrell when he surprises her after school?
(a) She is volunteering.
(b) She is working.
(c) She has too much homework.
(d) She is seeing her dad that day.

4. Why does Jasmine know so many people?
(a) She went to a lot of different schools.
(b) She met a lot of people in jail.
(c) She has a huge family.
(d) She has a big circle of church-group friends.

5. What is Cal's advice to Tyrell for keeping Novisha as his girl?
(a) Give her books.
(b) Go back to school.
(c) Give her money.
(d) Sleep with her.

6. Who does Jasmine tell Tyrell she was dating at the same time?
(a) Miguel and Emiliano.
(b) Miguel and Hector.
(c) Hector and Emiliano.
(d) Jose and Hector.

7. What does Tyrell do in Chapter 21 in Jasmine's room?
(a) Reads.
(b) Jumps out the window.
(c) Cries.
(d) Vomits.

8. What does Tyrell do at Cal's in Chapter 19?
(a) Homework.
(b) Makes phone calls.
(c) Smokes and drinks.
(d) Plays piano.

9. What does Ms. Jenkins want to talk to Tyrell's mother about at the end of Chapter 30?
(a) Inviting her to dinner that week.
(b) Asking her to get college applications for Tyrell.
(c) Asking her to get new clothes for Tyrell.
(d) Asking her to pay her money back.

10. In Chapter 29, what does Tyrell think about Jasmine's promotional skills for his party?
(a) He is suspicious.
(b) He is disappointed.
(c) He is jealous.
(d) He is impressed.

11. How many pies does Ms. Jenkins make in Chapter 34?
(a) 2.
(b) 4.
(c) 1.
(d) 3.

12. How much had Tyrell originally wanted to pay Raphael for helping with his party?
(a) $300.
(b) $50.
(c) $100.
(d) $150.

13. What does Leon have that impresses Tyrell in Chapter 18?
(a) A nice car.
(b) A lot of wallets.
(c) Several phones.
(d) A video player.

14. What does Tyrell read in Novisha's journal in Chapter 23 that hurts his feelings?
(a) She thinks he is not that smart.
(b) She is embarrassed he is homeless.
(c) She is embarrassed he is not in school.
(d) She thinks he is immature.

15. In Chapter 26, what does Tyrell decide he wants to do with Jasmine?
(a) Get a job at the same place.
(b) Go to the same school.
(c) Sleep with her.
(d) Study.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who looks like she would do anything Jasmine tells her to do?

2. Where is Cal going to go when his brothers tell him to leave the apartment for awhile?

3. Where does Tyrell meet Leon in Chapter 18?

4. In Chapter 21, what does Jasmine's t-shirt say?

5. What sport did Tyrell and his father used to play together?

(see the answer keys)

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