Two Treatises of Government Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Two Treatises of Government Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Locke think sometimes determines who will be king?
(a) A person's intelligence.
(b) Luck.
(c) The size of the army and its success.
(d) Wealth.

2. What is used to justify royal authority in the First Treatise?
(a) The power exercised by mothers over children.
(b) The subjugation of children to the rule of the father.
(c) The belief that royalty are born with absolute power.
(d) The need for governance.

3. What kinds of goods does the first-born child inherit?
(a) Slaves only.
(b) The right to rule and control over the entire kingdom and its possessions.
(c) Right to control siblings only.
(d) Property only.

4. According to the First Treatise, in whom is power vested?
(a) Filmer and his followers.
(b) Adam and descendants.
(c) King James.
(d) Locke and his followers.

5. What rights does Filmer believe should be given to the descendants of the heir?
(a) Right to have slaves.
(b) Right of inheritance of power.
(c) Right to marry.
(d) Right to own property.

6. What biblical book connects monarchy with the commandment to honor thy father?
(a) Proverbs.
(b) Exodus.
(c) Revelation.
(d) Genesis.

7. What issues arise with Noah?
(a) End of the world.
(b) Redemption.
(c) Animal rights.
(d) Power and inheritance.

8. What important question does Locke debate about Noah and his sons?
(a) Whether Noah fought with his sons.
(b) Whether Noah gave the world to his favorite son.
(c) Whether Noah divided the world among his sons.
(d) Whether Noah loved his sons.

9. What was dominion measured in during this time?
(a) Property.
(b) Size of kingdom.
(c) Slaves.
(d) The amount of goods that the first-born would inherit.

10. What does Filmer believe about the relationship between men and parents?
(a) That men are subjugated to the will of their parents.
(b) That it is irrelevant.
(c) That is the source of all conflict in society.
(d) That it is contentious.

11. What does Locke say he cannot find proof for in the First Treatise?
(a) Adam's right to be supreme.
(b) The royalty's claim to rule by divine right through the sovereignty of Adam.
(c) That ordinary men can own property.
(d) That slavery is legal.

12. How could the premise of divine rights be destroyed?
(a) If Noah divided the world among his sons.
(b) If God does not exist.
(c) If power is not handed down from son to son.
(d) If paternal authority only came from Adam.

13. What important argument does Locke refute in the First Treatise?
(a) That men and women are equal.
(b) That Adam had the right to private dominion and absolute power over other men.
(c) That people must live peacefully together.
(d) That governments can have slaves.

14. What two powers are considered identical by Filmer?
(a) The power of marriage and the power of childbirth.
(b) The right to own a slave and the right to fight.
(c) The right to own property and the right to marry someone of your own choice.
(d) The power of the fathers and the power of kings.

15. Who are the inheritors?
(a) Property owners.
(b) Adam's children Cain and Abel only.
(c) Adam's line and posterity.
(d) Eve.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Filmer think the heir should be?

2. What claim of Filmer's does Locke dispute?

3. Who does Filmer think is an ideal monarch?

4. What does Filmer's logic imply about succeeding monarchs?

5. Who buys his brother's birthright?

(see the answer keys)

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