Twelve Sharp Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Sharp Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Stephanie's grandmother says she can't see the casket?
(a) She begins asking for directions
(b) Sally picks her up so she can see it
(c) She begins faking a heart attack
(d) Someone gives her a map

2. What did Scrog's parents want him to do with his life?
(a) Becoming a writer
(b) Become an FBI agent
(c) Join a monastery
(d) Joining the circus

3. What does Scrog do to get food for Stephanie and Julie?
(a) Went fishing
(b) Robs convenience stores
(c) Robbed an old lady who had been shopping
(d) Worked hard

4. What does Johnson tell Stephanie and Scrog they look like?
(a) The bounty hunter on TV
(b) Buyers from the Village People's yard sale
(c) Rejects from the Mod Squad
(d) Miami Vice wanna be's

5. What does Stephanie tell Morelli to be sure to do?
(a) Tell her parents she loves them
(b) Be ready to come rescue her
(c) Have a plane ticket waiting to whisk her away
(d) Have beer in the fridge when it is all over

6. What does Stephanie's grandmother do at Carmen's viewing that causes a scene?
(a) Makes a speach for the news cameras
(b) Lifts up the lid on the casket
(c) Makes a pass at one of the FBI agents
(d) Punches the funeral director

7. What does Scrog say he will do if Stephanie doesn't strap the bomb to herself?
(a) Shoot Julie in the foot
(b) Cut off one of Julie's toes
(c) Take away bathroom privaieges
(d) Kill Julie

8. How does Ranger describe the relationship between Scrog and his parents as far as he understands it?
(a) Holiday visits only
(b) Estranged
(c) He had no family
(d) Very close

9. What does Stephanie's mother says she knows about Carmen's viewing?
(a) Stephanie set it up
(b) It will be canceled
(c) It is going to be trouble
(d) It is just for publicity

10. What does Morelli call Stephanie to tell her they have found?
(a) Proof that Julie was drugged
(b) A car rental registered to Carmen Manso
(c) A phone call from Julie to a cell phone
(d) A finger print left by the abductor

11. What does Connie say Scrog took from the office when he broke in?
(a) Files on fugatives
(b) Petty cash
(c) George Forman grill
(d) Guns and ammo

12. What does Stephanie's mother say her father had been in the mood for?
(a) Italian
(b) Mediteranian
(c) Mexican
(d) Fried chicken

13. What does Stephanie say prevents her from engaging in 'friendly' activities when Scrog offers to pull over?
(a) The bomb around her waist
(b) The leather pants she is wearing
(c) The fact that she has been stun gunned
(d) The thought of Julie tied up

14. Where does Edward Scrog tell Stephanie that he and her will go together?
(a) To begin their new life
(b) To the angels
(c) To paradise
(d) To their home

15. What does Stephanie's grandmother say she is going to get before she goes to Carmen's viewing?
(a) A facial
(b) New dress
(c) Her hair done
(d) A camera

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Stephanie have to take the accountant before she takes him in?

2. What does Julie say that gives Ranger and Stephanie some clues about where she is being kept?

3. What is Ranger told when his phone rang?

4. What does Stephanie realize about Julie when she and Scrog arrive at the motor home?

5. What does Lula say she is going to buy at the store when they go to try and apprehend Caroline Scarzolli the second time?

(see the answer keys)

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