Truman Test | Final Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Truman Test | Final Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Truman write an angry letter to the newspaper?
(a) His Sunday paper did not arrive on time
(b) A reporter had published a comment he thought was off record
(c) A reporter was stalking Margaret
(d) A columnist had given Margaret's concert a bad review

2. What happens to the White House during Truman's second term?
(a) It is attacked by the British
(b) An airplane crashes into it
(c) It burns down
(d) It is completely renovated

3. Where do the Trumans live in Independence?
(a) Wtih Margaret and her husband
(b) Truman farm
(c) Truman library
(d) The family home of Bess Truman

4. Who was the leader of the Progressive Party who was in competition with the Democrats and Republicans in the 1948 election?
(a) Margaret Truman
(b) Andrew Jackson
(c) Henry Wallace
(d) Charlie Ross

5. Who was Truman's Vice President before Barkley?
(a) Jimmy Byrnes
(b) No one
(c) Henry Wallace
(d) Jim Pendergast

6. Where was the American's atom bomb tested?
(a) Bikini Atoll
(b) Washington DC
(c) New Mexico
(d) California

7. Why was it so important to create an Atomic Energy Commission?
(a) To have a method of channeling funding to the project
(b) To provide civilian, not military, control of this new awesome power
(c) To prevent spies from access to the secrets
(d) To make Truman look good

8. Why doesn't the military deploy more divisions in North Korea?
(a) Truman does not think it is necessary
(b) MacArthur refuses to allow it
(c) Without depleting the European military presence, there are no more divisions.
(d) The Allies won't allow it

9. What career is Margaret Truman pursuing?
(a) Acting
(b) Computer Science
(c) Lab Technician
(d) Singing

10. What was the Turnip Congress? .
(a) A session of congress where dissidents threw turnips at the congressmen
(b) The special congressional session called by Truman during the time of Missouri's Turnip Day
(c) A special committee that turned up important information
(d) A session of congress where only bills concerning turnips were discussed

11. What was Barkley's "prop-stop" campaign?
(a) It refers to the time in his campaign when his plane's propellor fell off
(b) The propellor pin he wore on his suit lapel during the campaign
(c) A trip the VP candidate took by airplane that was similar to the railway tour the President was making.
(d) Barkley's habit of propping himself against a bar to deliver speeches

12. Who was the leader of the Dixiecrats?
(a) Strom Thurmond
(b) Jefferson Davis
(c) Henry Wallace
(d) Adlai Stevenson

13. How did the leaders entertain each other in the evenings of the conference?
(a) Dinners and musical entertainment
(b) Watching football on televsion
(c) Listening to baseball games on the radio
(d) Dancing with the town women

14. What was Truman's primary goal of the Potsdam Conference?
(a) To see Europe for free
(b) To get Stalin to commit to entering the war against Japan
(c) To find an excuse to use the atom bomb
(d) To tell the other countries about the atom bomb

15. What longtime cabinet member resigns due to a disagreement with Truman?
(a) Robert E. Lee
(b) Henry Wallace
(c) Andrew Jackson
(d) Harold Ickes

Short Answer Questions

1. Who of Truman's long time friends was most instrumental in advising him regarding the Palestine problem?

2. What geographical designation separated South Korea from North Korea?

3. How much monthly income did Truman have after leaving the office of president?

4. How old was Truman when he passed away?

5. How many people did Oppenheimer estimate the bomb would kill?

(see the answer keys)

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