Truman Test | Final Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Truman Test | Final Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many months had Truman been President before both Germany and Japan surrendered?
(a) One
(b) Six
(c) Four
(d) Three

2. What happens to Margaret after her father finishes her Presidential terms?
(a) She dies in an automobile accident
(b) She joins the Peace Corps
(c) She is kidnapped
(d) She marries and has four sons.

3. What happened to the President's normal work when he was on the campaign trail?
(a) The vice president handled everything
(b) His staff collected all the papers and held them until he arrived home
(c) It continued as before from Truman's desk on the train
(d) Bess took care of it

4. In what country was Potsdam located?
(a) Germany
(b) England
(c) Poland
(d) Norway

5. What two projects occupied Truman for the remainder of his life?
(a) Presidential Library and forming the NAACP
(b) Climbing mountains and visiting friends
(c) His Presidential Library and his memoirs
(d) Buidling a fence around the farm and his wardrobe

6. What was the name of President Truman's custom built railway car?
(a) The Ferdinand Magellan
(b) Pullman Car #3457113
(c) The Titanic
(d) The George Washington

7. How much monthly income did Truman have after leaving the office of president?
(a) $112.56 per month
(b) $10,000 per month
(c) $200
(d) $50,000

8. Who is Truman's first choice for his replacement as President?
(a) Joe McCarthy
(b) Strom Thurmand
(c) Dwight D. Eisenhower
(d) Henry Wallace

9. Why doesn't the military deploy more divisions in North Korea?
(a) Without depleting the European military presence, there are no more divisions.
(b) The Allies won't allow it
(c) Truman does not think it is necessary
(d) MacArthur refuses to allow it

10. What was Barkley's "prop-stop" campaign?
(a) It refers to the time in his campaign when his plane's propellor fell off
(b) A trip the VP candidate took by airplane that was similar to the railway tour the President was making.
(c) The propellor pin he wore on his suit lapel during the campaign
(d) Barkley's habit of propping himself against a bar to deliver speeches

11. What was Truman's primary goal of the Potsdam Conference?
(a) To get Stalin to commit to entering the war against Japan
(b) To find an excuse to use the atom bomb
(c) To tell the other countries about the atom bomb
(d) To see Europe for free

12. How old was Truman when his second term as president began?
(a) 50
(b) 73
(c) 64
(d) 29

13. How did Truman's personal staff feel about him?
(a) They thought he was boring
(b) They feared him
(c) They admired and respected him
(d) They disliked him intensely

14. What famous landmark did Churchill visit when in Berlin?
(a) Hitler's Bunker
(b) Arc de Triumph
(c) Berlin HIlton
(d) St Paul's Cathedral

15. At the end of the war, how many service men and women were coming back to the American work force?
(a) 1 million
(b) 10 million
(c) 12 million
(d) None - they all re-enlisted

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Truman develop a long correspondence with after his retirement?

2. Who was the leader of the Dixiecrats?

3. Which of Truman's family members accompanied him on the campaign trail?

4. Who were "The Big Three" of the Potsdam conference?

5. Why was it so important to create an Atomic Energy Commission?

(see the answer keys)

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