Treason's Harbour Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Treason's Harbour Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the fort that the men find appear?
(a) As if it is held by the French.
(b) Green and lush.
(c) Deserted.
(d) As if it has been marauded.

2. What ship do they find?
(a) An Egyptian freighter.
(b) The Leopard.
(c) A Dutch frigate.
(d) The Dromedary.

3. What does Maturin think about when he learns of the other ship's earlier return?
(a) He wonders if the other ship will register the prize.
(b) He is concerned for Mrs. Fielding's safety.
(c) He wonders if there is a traitor on the other ship.
(d) He thinks about whether Mr. Fielding is on board.

4. What does Maturin learn when he dives for the treasure?
(a) They were set up.
(b) There is more than enough to make all of them wealthy for the rest of their lives.
(c) The galley sank in a canyon and it's too deep to approach.
(d) The galley is floating just twenty feet below the surface.

5. What ship seems trapped between the Surprise and Dryad?
(a) A French merchant vessel.
(b) A French privateer.
(c) An American privateer.
(d) A French frigate.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Maturin meet Mr. Fielding?

2. Who rescues Mr. Fielding?

3. What does Maturin observe that pleases him?

4. Why does Mr. Fielding decline passage aboard the Surprise?

5. From what does the Surprise escape?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Mrs. Fielding change the atmosphere on board the Surprise?

2. Who does the crew encounter while setting up camp?

3. How does Maturin learn that the galley is not carrying treasure?

4. What does Major Pollock tell Aubrey and what is Aubrey's response?

5. Why does Aubrey decide to commence training Mr. Maitland and Mr. Honey?

6. With what is the Admiral most concerned about the events surrounding the treasure ship's trickery?

7. How does the crew fare on their hike and who is the exception?

8. What concerns Aubrey about his failed mission with the treasure ship?

9. What seems to demonstrate that Aubrey's failure to gain the treasure will not be held against him?

10. Who are Mr. Honey and Mr. Maitland and how does Aubrey help them?

(see the answer keys)

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