Trash Test | Final Test - Easy

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trash Test | Final Test - Easy

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Rat create an emergency exit inside the boys' tiny room above the laundry?
(a) He keeps a stick of dynamite by the bed.
(b) He loosens part of the roof.
(c) He chops a hole in the siding.
(d) He keeps a knotted rope hanging outside the window.

2. What does Raphael say he has done with the last of his money, causing him to be too broke to pay for bus fare to Senator Zapanta's house?
(a) He has given it to his aunt.
(b) He has given it to his cousin.
(c) He has given it to his mother.
(d) He has given it to his sister.

3. What does Rat say is something Father Juilliard did once that no one had done for Rat before and that no one had done since?
(a) Father Juilliard had given Rat a hug.
(b) Father Juilliard had given Rat a kiss.
(c) Father Juilliard had given Rat a birthday card.
(d) Father Juilliard had given Rat a gold coin.

4. By how much does The Inquirer say the education budget has decreased in the last two years?
(a) 18%.
(b) 11%.
(c) 3%.
(d) 30%.

5. When Frederico Gonz reads about Jose Angelico's death, to whom does he tell the news first?
(a) His sister.
(b) His mother.
(c) His cousin.
(d) His son.

6. For how long does Senator Zapanta inhabit the role of vice-president?
(a) 4 years.
(b) 8 years.
(c) 2 years.
(d) 6 months.

7. What does Rat use to indicate a kiss in the picture he leaves for Father Juilliard inside the safe?
(a) A plus sign.
(b) A cross.
(c) X.
(d) O.

8. What reason does Gardo give Gabriel Olondriz for not having brought the letter to Colva Prison?
(a) Fear of losing it.
(b) Fear of it being taken.
(c) Fear of ripping it.
(d) Fear of it getting wet in the rain.

9. What gesture does Gardo make that Olivia says steadies her within the confines of the prison?
(a) He strokes her hair.
(b) He hugs her.
(c) He takes her hand.
(d) He says her name.

10. Where do Raphael and Rat take the letter while Olivia and Gardo are at Colva Prison?
(a) By the sea.
(b) By the river.
(c) By the lake.
(d) By the canal.

11. What news does Gardo deliver to Gabriel Olondriz that causes the old man to cry?
(a) Jose Angelico is dead.
(b) Senator Zapanta is dead.
(c) Father Juilliard is dead.
(d) Pia Dante is dead.

12. Whose son is Dante Jerome?
(a) Jose Angelico.
(b) Senator Zapanta.
(c) Pia Dante.
(d) Gabriel Olondriz.

13. Why does Rat not tell Raphael or Gardo his reasons for returning to the dumpsite?
(a) He thinks it would bring bad luck.
(b) He does not want them to think he is a bad person.
(c) He does not have time to tell them before he catches the train.
(d) He does not want them to be able to tell his whereabouts if they are caught.

14. When Gabriel Olondriz asks Gardo why he has come to visit him in Colva Prison, what does Gardo reply?
(a) Gardo says that Olivia had wanted to come pay her respects to Gabriel Olondriz.
(b) Gardo says that he has actually come to visit his own grandfather.
(c) Gardo says that he had nothing better to do that day.
(d) Gardo says that the letter he found is addressed to Gabriel Olondriz.

15. What does the letter say would happen to the reader's soul if the reader were to visit Senator Zapanta's house?
(a) It would endure.
(b) It would sing.
(c) It would die.
(d) It would burn.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does it take Rat to tell Raphael and Gardo where he has gotten the money to bribe Marco?

2. What two names does Rat call Olivia in lieu of using her first name?

3. What method of payment does Olivia use to pay for Gardo's new clothes?

4. In what office does Olivia's father work?

5. When Gabriel Olondriz tells Olivia he is sorry that he has told the story of the government's corruption so often that it has lost something, what does he tell her it has lost?

(see the answer keys)

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