Tortilla Flat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tortilla Flat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Pirate buy the item for St. Francis?
(a) For letting him make a decent living.
(b) For his new friends.
(c) For curing his dog.
(d) For his good health.

2. What lesson do the men glean from the house burning down?
(a) Never let Jesus have matches.
(b) Never leave wine overnight.
(c) Always keep the grass wet.
(d) Always put a globe over a candle.

3. Why can Danny not get the water turned on in the house?
(a) It is night and the water company is closed.
(b) He doesn't have the money.
(c) It is the weekend and the water company is closed.
(d) He forgot to call the water company.

4. What do Pilon and Pablo send the person in #25 to the wharf to do?
(a) Beg for food.
(b) Clean squid.
(c) Buy fish.
(d) Get a job.

5. Why does Danny receive the sentence he does?
(a) He is a veteran.
(b) He is on the police force.
(c) His uncle is the sheriff.
(d) He knows the chief of police.

6. What does Danny want to buy for the woman in #23?
(a) A bracelet.
(b) Candy.
(c) Flowers.
(d) A ring.

7. What is St. Andrew's Eve?
(a) The night when Catholics polish their statues.
(b) The night when all the bars in town stay open all night.
(c) The night when every paisano seeks buried treasure.
(d) The night when young men enter the priesthood.

8. What does Jesus Maria pledge to do for Danny?
(a) Find him a job.
(b) Paint the house.
(c) Provide food.
(d) Repair furniture.

9. How many dogs does the Pirate have?
(a) 5.
(b) 2.
(c) 4.
(d) 7.

10. How much does the Pirate earn each day?
(a) 5 dollars.
(b) 25 cents.
(c) 1 dollar.
(d) 50 cents.

11. Where does the Pirate show up every day?
(a) Monterey.
(b) Santa Barbara.
(c) Carmel.
(d) Montecito.

12. Pilon and Pablo bring Danny _____________ and the pink bra as a peace offering.
(a) deviled eggs.
(b) a gallon of wine.
(c) a cigar.
(d) a rooster.

13. What do people do when they see the Pirate?
(a) Laugh or pity him.
(b) Laugh or give him money.
(c) Tell him jokes and give him money.
(d) Give him wine and pity him.

14. Which woman is Danny interested in?
(a) Miss Garcia.
(b) Mrs. Ramirez.
(c) Mrs. Sanchez.
(d) Mrs. Morales.

15. What does Danny drink when he learns of the inheritance?
(a) Vodka.
(b) Lite beer.
(c) Red wine.
(d) Whiskey.

Short Answer Questions

1. For whom does the person in #26 buy wine, lingerie and whiskey?

2. What sentence does Danny get for being drunk and disorderly?

3. Where has Danny just returned from as the novel opens?

4. Why does Pilon think he will not go to hell?

5. Who is Pilon's partner on St. Andrew's Eve?

(see the answer keys)

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