Objects & Places from Tokyo Ever After

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Objects & Places from Tokyo Ever After

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Tokyo Tattler

This tabloid newspaper prints several unflattering stories about Izzy.

The Lost Butterfly

This is the nickname that the media gives to Izzy when she is first revealed as a new princess.


This animal is Izzy's beloved terrier mix dog.

Asian Girl Gang (AGG)

This is the name that Izzy and her friends at school call themselves.

Rare Orchids of North America

This is the book in which Noora and Izzy find the note from Makoto to Izzy's mother.

Mount Shasta, California

This is the setting for the opening of the book; it is where Izzy has grown up.

The Chrysanthemum

This flower is the symbol of the imperial family.

Tokyo, Japan

This is the setting for most of the book; it is where the Crown Prince lives.

The Binder

This object contains legal paperwork and a dossier about the royal family.


This vegetable...

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