Tinkers Test | Final Test - Easy

Paul Harding
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Tinkers Test | Final Test - Easy

Paul Harding
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What shoes does Howard wear when he goes into the woods to look for his father after he's been taken away in Chapter 3?
(a) His mother's slippers.
(b) His rain boots.
(c) His brother's sneakers.
(d) His father's boots.

2. The narrator says in Chapter 4, "The escapement on a clock consists of a collar on a pinion, called" what?
(a) An electron.
(b) A nucleus.
(c) A privet.
(d) A pallet.

3. What is the only traditional item of clothing that the Indian wears who grew up living on an island in the lake, according to the narrator in Chapter 3?
(a) A fur cape.
(b) Moccasins.
(c) A wampum.
(d) A feather headdress.

4. What word used in Chapter 3 means concerned with relatively minor, irrelevant, or superficial aspects of something?
(a) Arbitrary.
(b) Collapsed.
(c) Peripheral.
(d) Convenient.

5. Where does George live in 1953?
(a) Cleveland, Ohio.
(b) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
(c) Boston, Massachusetts.
(d) Enon, Massachusetts.

6. Who are George's daughters that sit with him and his wife at dinner as Howard rings the bell in 1953?
(a) Betsy and Claire.
(b) Elizabeth and Marie.
(c) Anna and Mary.
(d) Kathleen and Sarah.

7. What word used by Howard in Chapter 3 means anxious or concerned?
(a) Solicitous.
(b) Uncommitted.
(c) Casual.
(d) Regal.

8. What alias does Howard Crosby take on when he moves to Philadelphia?
(a) Aaron Lightman.
(b) Aaron Lightfoot.
(c) Aaron Finn.
(d) Andrew Cobbler.

9. What is the name of the grocery store where Howard works in 1953?
(a) Albertson's.
(b) Safeway.
(c) Piggly Wiggly.
(d) A & P.

10. How many men are waiting outside when Howard's father is taken away in Chapter 3?
(a) 4.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) 6.

11. How does the narrator describe George's wife's cooking in Chapter 4?
(a) Mediocre.
(b) Very good.
(c) Very bad.
(d) Very fatty.

12. Whose neighboring corn field does Howard pass through as he looks for his father in the woods in Chapter 3?
(a) The Andrews' corn field.
(b) The Williams' corn field.
(c) The Gaspars' corn field.
(d) The Petersons' corn field.

13. What word from Chapter 4 means serving as a relief?
(a) Palliative.
(b) Corrective.
(c) Demonstrative.
(d) Exorbitant.

14. Howard says of his father in Chapter 3, "The world fell away from my father the way he fell away from us. We became" what?
(a) His regret.
(b) His suffering.
(c) His dream.
(d) His ghost.

15. What food does Megan prepare for Howard before she leaves to care for her mother over Christmas in Chapter 4?
(a) Roasted lamb and new potatoes.
(b) Tuna casserole and peach cobbler.
(c) Roasted turkey and apple pie.
(d) Meatloaf and banana cream pie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word used to describe the Indian in Chapter 3 means relating to a former or more primitive type?

2. What word used by Howard in Chapter 3 refers to a disgrace or humiliation?

3. Where does Megan go to tend to her ill mother in 1953?

4. What word from Chapter 3 means characterized by length of speech or wordiness, or scattered?

5. What newspaper did George once read regularly at the kitchen table at lunchtime, according to the narrator in Chapter 4?

(see the answer keys)

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