Time's Arrow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Time's Arrow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the narrator feel about John Young's experience in the hospital?
(a) Inspired.
(b) Indifferent.
(c) Proud.
(d) Traumatized.

2. Who is the narrator?
(a) A character from Tod Friendly's past.
(b) One of the doctors surrounding Tod Friendly at the beginning of the book.
(c) A voice in Tod Friendly's head.
(d) The doctor who was Tod Friendly's mentor.

3. When does the narrator begin to feel that the world is going to start making sense very soon?
(a) When he meets with the Agent.
(b) When he sails from New York to Lisbon.
(c) When he meets with Reverend Nicholas Kreditor.
(d) When he stays at farms in Italy where men pay him in gold.

4. Which war does Tod Friendly protest?
(a) The Korean War.
(b) The Vietnam War.
(c) The Cold War.
(d) World War II.

5. What does the narrator think Tod Friendly would do at the food store?
(a) Return his food and get money for it.
(b) Shave and shower.
(c) Buy food with his money.
(d) Buy food with coupons.

6. When would John Young's affairs typically begin?
(a) A few months after he performs an abortion for his girlfriend.
(b) After his lovers are beaten by their husbands.
(c) A few months before he performs an abortion for his girlfriend.
(d) After he helps people at the hospital.

7. Where does the taxi cab take John Young after his night of drinking?
(a) To the hospital.
(b) To his house.
(c) To the Imperial Hotel.
(d) To the basement apartment.

8. What does John Young tell the Reverend Kreditor when they meet?
(a) He says that the weather is good in Munich.
(b) He describes his work at the hospital.
(c) He wants to help people.
(d) He says that good weather is coming.

9. What does the Immigration and Naturalization Service threaten to do?
(a) Prosecute John Young for atrocities.
(b) Revoke John Young's citizenship.
(c) Revoke John Young's medical license.
(d) Charge John Young with adultery.

10. What does the narrator think always happens to the attraction Tod Friendly feels for women?
(a) It gets stronger until Tod Friendly asks them to sleep over.
(b) It never gets strong enough that he speaks to them.
(c) It fades away in time.
(d) It gets stronger until they find out about his past.

11. In what condition is John Young's body when he sails for Europe?
(a) He is fat and out of shape from living in luxury.
(b) He is sick with apprehension about the voyage.
(c) He is thin from living in poverty.
(d) He is healthy with a good tan.

12. What kind of sense of humor does the narrator believe John Young has?
(a) Vicious.
(b) Sentimental.
(c) Slapstick.
(d) Sarcastic.

13. What is the name on the door where the narrator thinks that Tod Friendly has found an apartment?
(a) Irene.
(b) Tod Friendly.
(c) John Young.
(d) Nicholas Kreditor.

14. What does Irene do after she stops loving John Young?
(a) Calls him a bad name and leave.
(b) Asks for forgiveness.
(c) Has an abortion.
(d) Cleans his house twice a week.

15. Why are the people on the ship to America happy?
(a) They are going off to fight in the war.
(b) They are fleeing the war-torn continent.
(c) They are anxious to get away from the troubles in America.
(d) They are looking forward to making a new start in Europe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Tod Friendly's job?

2. What day follows October 1 in the narrator's experience?

3. When does John Young sail for Europe?

4. Where does the narrator think that Tod Friendly finds Irene's love letters?

5. What is Irene saying the first time the narrator hears her voice?

(see the answer keys)

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