The Time Machine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Time Machine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what metal is the pedestal of the Sphinx made?
(a) Bronze.
(b) Silver.
(c) Copper.
(d) Gold.

2. What does one use to operate the model?
(a) A joystick.
(b) A button.
(c) A control panel.
(d) A lever.

3. Which battle does the Psychologist mention, when the men speak of traveling in history to see past battles?
(a) The London Blitz.
(b) Waterloo.
(c) The Battle of the Bulge.
(d) The Battle of Hastings.

4. How did he find out her name was Weena?
(a) She told him.
(b) Another Eloi told him.
(c) He read her mail.
(d) He saw her identification card.

5. What does the Time Traveler smell in the air when he descends into where the Morlocks live?
(a) Garbage.
(b) Mold.
(c) Rotting fruit.
(d) Blood.

6. On what day of the week did the guests come for dinner?
(a) Saturday.
(b) Thursday.
(c) Friday.
(d) Sunday.

7. Where does the Time Traveler store the object(s) he removes from the time machine?
(a) Around his wrist.
(b) In his pocket.
(c) In a hole in the ground.
(d) In his knapsack.

8. Why, does the Time Traveler imagine, the Eloi all want to touch him?
(a) To see what he will taste like.
(b) To see if he is made of metal.
(c) To keep warm.
(d) To be sure he is real.

9. How does the Time Traveler describe the feeling of the Eloi touching him?
(a) As disgusting little claws.
(b) As strange little hooks.
(c) As weird little tickles.
(d) As soft little tentacles.

10. What best describes the "prettiness" of the Eloi, when the Time Traveler first meets them?
(a) Wedgwood-china.
(b) Dresden-china.
(c) Porcelain dolls.
(d) Delft blue.

11. Which of the characters says that he has never heard of the Fourth Dimension?
(a) The Time Traveler.
(b) Filby.
(c) The Provincial Mayor.
(d) Hillyer.

12. What "rises and falls" while the Time Traveler is observing from inside the time machine?
(a) Flowers.
(b) A winged sphinx.
(c) Buildings.
(d) The tide.

13. Why does the Time Traveler think that it was not the Eloi who moved the time machine?
(a) He thinks they are too weak.
(b) He thinks they were busy eating.
(c) He thinks that the Sphinx came alive and swallowed it.
(d) He thinks that one of the Eloi has traveled back in time with it.

14. What does the Time Traveler judge his pace in the machine to be?
(a) A decade an second.
(b) A season an a milisecond.
(c) A year a minute.
(d) An hour a day.

15. Approximately how tall are the creatures?
(a) Four feet.
(b) Five feet.
(c) Three feet.
(d) Six feet.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the Time Traveler sees an animal in the night, what does he take it for?

2. What distinguishes the way the Time Traveler walks when he returns during the second dinner?

3. Inside the machine, it seems as if the housekeeper walks from one end of the room to the other like what object?

4. Which of the following dinner guests was at the second dinner, but NOT at the first?

5. What allows him to escape the Morlocks?

(see the answer keys)

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