Time Is a Mother Test | Final Test - Easy

Ocean Vuong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Time Is a Mother Test | Final Test - Easy

Ocean Vuong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Künstlerroman," where are some of the places the man in the movie visits?
(a) Movie sets.
(b) Schools.
(c) Empty fields.
(d) Fancy settings like mansions.

2. In "Reasons for Staying," what keeps burning in California?
(a) The books.
(b) The hills.
(c) The sea.
(d) The moors.

3. Why does the speaker say he kept dancing even though the song had finished in "Not Even"?
(a) It freed him.
(b) It felt like love.
(c) It felt painful.
(d) It made him love his partner.

4. In "Scavengers," who does the fisherman become at the end of the poem?
(a) A ghost.
(b) A boy with too much to carry.
(c) A priest.
(d) A husband.

5. In "Amazon History of a Former Nail Salon Worker," what is the first indication that the worker is undergoing cancer treatment?
(a) Chemo injection syringes.
(b) "Chemo-glam cotton headscarf."
(c) A book about chemo.
(d) Chemo anti-nausea medication.

6. In "Künstlerroman," what is the street the speaker's car crashed on?
(a) Risley Road.
(b) Main Road.
(c) Firefly Road.
(d) Helsom Road.

7. In "Reasons for Staying," how does the speaker describe the suicide of his uncle?
(a) As a result of drug addiction.
(b) As banal.
(c) As a result of isolation.
(d) As dying on purpose.

8. In "Not Even," where does the speaker get off of the Amtrak train?
(a) Missoula.
(b) Helena.
(c) Indianapolis.
(d) San Francisco.

9. In "Künstlerroman," who does the man in the movie end up being?
(a) The speaker's father.
(b) A famous actor.
(c) The speaker's best friend.
(d) The speaker.

10. In "Not Even," what is the word for love in the speaker's language?
(a) Amore.
(b) Fani.
(c) Yeu.
(d) Lin.

11. In "Künstlerroman," what does the speaker do with the movie once it ends?
(a) Reviews it.
(b) Asks his mother to watch it with him.
(c) Watches it backwards.
(d) Throws it away.

12. In "Amazon History of a Former Nail Salon Worker," what sweet snack does the worker buy?
(a) Sweet dumplings.
(b) M&Ms.
(c) Little Debbie cakes.
(d) Gummi bears.

13. In "Ars Poetica as the Maker," what does the speaker try to stretch the clay slab into?
(a) Trees.
(b) Heather.
(c) Reason.
(d) Five blades of light.

14. In "Künstlerroman," what does the speaker compare cigarettes in the dark to?
(a) Stars.
(b) Hope.
(c) Fireflies in a bomb shelter.
(d) Christmas lights.

15. In "Reasons for Staying," by what light does the speaker read his books?
(a) The light of the sun.
(b) The light of the moon.
(c) The light of the lightbulb.
(d) The light of "riotfire."

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Tell Me Something Good," where will the speaker be if he opens his eyes?

2. In "Künstlerroman," what birthday does the speaker revisit?

3. In "No One Knows the Way to Heaven," what does the speaker think might be temporary?

4. In "Amazon History of a Former Nail Salon Worker," what are some purchases that reveal the worker's pain?

5. Where does the speaker say he will not dance alone in "Not Even"?

(see the answer keys)

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