This Fiery Trial: The Speeches and Writings of Abraham Lincoln Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

This Fiery Trial: The Speeches and Writings of Abraham Lincoln Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was "The World Has Never Had a Good Definition of Liberty" written?
(a) April 1864.
(b) March 1864.
(c) May 1864.
(d) January1864.

2. What did Lincoln feel about the new commander of the Union Armies?
(a) He had complete confidence in him.
(b) He was nominated to please Congress.
(c) He gives him the benefit of the doubt.
(d) He could not trust his judgement.

3. When was the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation issued according to "Shall Be Thenceforth, and Forever Free"?
(a) October 1862.
(b) November 1862.
(c) September 1862.
(d) December1862.

4. Who did Lincoln send "Hold On With a Bull-dog Grip" to?
(a) General Hooker.
(b) General Grant.
(c) General McClellan.
(d) General Sherman.

5. What military objective did Lincoln remind the recipient of "I Am Not Watching You with an Evil-Eye" was vital to the war effort?
(a) East Tennessee.
(b) East Maine.
(c) East Mississippi.
(d) East Florida.

6. What did Lincoln want border states to accept according to "The Incidents of the War Cannot Be Avoided"?
(a) Emancipation.
(b) Suffrage.
(c) Radical beliefs.
(d) Union rule.

7. When was the Wade-Davis bill passed according to "Unprepared to Be Inflexibly Committed to Any Single Plan"?
(a) July 1864.
(b) May 1864.
(c) August 1864.
(d) June 1864.

8. What was excluded from the Emancipation Proclamation according to "Give Up All Footing Upon Constitution or Law"?
(a) Several Republican financial backers.
(b) Several states.
(c) Several state counties.
(d) Several personal friends of Lincoln.

9. What were the Unionists calling the army to go easy on according to "Leaving Any Available Card Unplayed"?
(a) Confederate forces in Louisiana.
(b) Confederate forces in Arkansas.
(c) Confederate forces in Georgia.
(d) Confederate forces in South Carolina.

10. Why was the general Lincoln sent "But You Must Act" to defeated?
(a) He was lazy and did not have a plan.
(b) He gave Confederates a chance to take them prisoner.
(c) He gave Confederates forces time to re-deploy.
(d) He let Confederates cut off his supply line.

11. Who was "I Am Distressed Immeasurably" intended for?
(a) General Grant.
(b) General Sherman.
(c) General Meade.
(d) General McClellan.

12. Who does Lincoln thank in "Not Best to Swap Horses When Crossing Streams"?
(a) The Union League.
(b) The anti-slavery league.
(c) The Republican party.
(d) The Democratic party.

13. When did Lincoln suspend the right of Habeas Corpus according to "The Writ of Habeas Corpus is Suspended" ?
(a) Two weeks after the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
(b) Two weeks before the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
(c) Two days before the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
(d) Two days after the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.

14. What was in the works by August of 1862 according to the editor?
(a) The Emancipation Proclamation.
(b) Lincoln's autobiography.
(c) Lincoln's change in policy.
(d) The new Declaration of Independence.

15. What became the most contentious issue of the Reconstruction era according to "A Full Pardon"?
(a) Who would manage the money for reconstruction.
(b) The status of women.
(c) The reparation payments.
(d) The legal status of the freed slaves.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was "The New Reckoning" written?

2. What was "A Single Half-Defeat" about?

3. Why was Hooker relieved of duties shortly after "Lee's Army Is Your True Objective Point"?

4. When was "Will Be Received and Considered" written?

5. How is "A New Birth of Freedom" better known as?

(see the answer keys)

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