Objects & Places from Then She Was Gone

Lisa Jewell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Then She Was Gone

Lisa Jewell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Then She Was Gone Lesson Plans


These are the pets Noelle gets Ellie. They symbolize the neglect in Noelle’s upbringing.

Hanna's Flat

This is where Laurel’s daughter lives and Laurel cleans. It symbolizes a half-lived life.


This is food that Ellie asked her mother to save for her before she went to the library the day she disappeared. It symbolizes the hope that she will return safely.


These are the individual choices characters make in their wardrobes. They symbolize identity.

Cherry Blossom Tree

This is a flowering tree in Noelle’s yard. It symbolizes freedom.

Bedroom Locks

There are three of these that keep Ellie in the basement room. They symbolize entrapment.

Christmas Tree

This is what Floyd and Poppy get to celebrate on December 25. It symbolizes family unity.

Bath Water

This is where Noelle immerses herself after she has her second miscarriage. It symbolizes purification.

Floyd's House


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