The Lottery Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lottery Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is revealing about the social order of the village?
(a) The men and women are not together.
(b) The children and running around unsupervised.
(c) The men are drinking ale.
(d) The women hold a superior position.

2. Who is the last person accounted for before the lottery begins?
(a) The tall Watson boy.
(b) Old man Warner.
(c) Mrs. Dunbar.
(d) Tessie Hutchinson.

3. What are the women doing before the lottery?
(a) Putting up the bunting.
(b) Running around looking for their children.
(c) Standing together and gossiping.
(d) Avoicing each other's eyes.

4. What finally happens with Tessie?
(a) She has a heart attack and dies.
(b) All the villagers stone her to death.
(c) She has to catch and throw back the stones.
(d) She must dodge all the stones.

5. What are the men doing before it is time for the lottery to begin?
(a) Standing together and talking about women.
(b) Standing in a group talking about tractors and rain.
(c) Standing in a group but not talking.
(d) Standing together and talking politics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do some people think about discontinuing the lottery?

2. What does Jackson hint in the story when Tessie is very late arriving?

3. What is Tessie doing in the center of the circle of her friends, neighbors, and family?

4. What serious formality occurs before the lottery begins?

5. What is the instruction given to the villagers about what to do after they have drawn?

Short Essay Questions

1. What kind of lists are required for the conduct of the lottery?

2. What does Tessie Hutchinson do when she realizes that Bill has the paper?

3. How do the villagers know that Bill Hutchinson is holding the slip of paper with the black dot?

4. What does the setting of THE LOTTERY say about the citizens of the village.

5. In place of the salute, what is required now of the lottery official?

6. What do the villagers begin to do at that point?

7. What time of the year is the lottery being held?

8. Who do they look for before continuing with the lottery?

9. Describe the men as they assemble for the lottery.

10. This time, who comes forward to draw slips of paper from the box?

(see the answer keys)

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