The Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is used in the sausages at the factory?
(a) Potato flour
(b) Beans
(c) Spoiled hams
(d) Bread

2. Who finds Jurgis his first job?
(a) Antanas
(b) The delicatessen owner
(c) Conner
(d) Jack

3. What happens to the unborn calves of the slaughtered cows?
(a) They are raised into adulthood
(b) They are sold
(c) They are taken away
(d) They are killed too

4. How long is their house to be rented for?
(a) 15 years
(b) 6 years
(c) 3 years
(d) 9 years

5. What is Marija's new job?
(a) Sewing buttons
(b) Beef trimmer
(c) Painting cans
(d) Secretary

Short Answer Questions

1. What is/are the name(s) of Ona's child(ren)?

2. What is the other name for a wedding reception, and is traditional for the characters in this story?

3. Who has been pressured into prostituting herself?

4. What freezes solid in the killing rooms because there is no heat in the slaughterhouse?

5. Who is the violin player?

Short Essay Questions

1. Which character could be described as young, strong, and full of optimism?

2. What does Ona suggest she do in order to marry Jurgis more quickly?

3. What happened to those who had a sore on their hand and they then got pickling brine on it?

4. Who is the narrator of the novel?

5. What does Jurgis begin to do in order to deal with the horrors of his situation?

6. Why are the sausages the family eats not helping their nutrition?

7. Who does Marija fall in love with?

8. What does Elzbieta's factory do?

9. Who wanted Ona and Jurgis to have a lavish wedding, even though they would have been fine with something simpler?

10. What is the problem when Jurgis shows up for his first day of work?

(see the answer keys)

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