The World of Myth Test | Final Test - Medium

David Adams Leeming
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The World of Myth Test | Final Test - Medium

David Adams Leeming
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What forms does Leeming say the heroes' guides will take?
(a) Wise men or fairy godmothers.
(b) Nymphs.
(c) Step-parents or stepsiblings.
(d) Animal spirits and stars.

2. What does Leeming say the stone represents in the King Arthur and Theseus myths?
(a) The populace.
(b) Matter.
(c) Fate.
(d) A womb.

3. What does Leeming say urged the Buddha into action?
(a) His parents.
(b) The four signs.
(c) The lotus flower.
(d) A war.

4. In what way does Leeming say that Jerusalem is an unusual city?
(a) It is at the center of the ancient world.
(b) It resisted conquest for thousands of years.
(c) It was a sacred place to Jews, Muslims, and Christians.
(d) It was conquered and reconquered frequently.

5. What does Leeming say the hero does with the things the hero attains in heroic feats?
(a) Share them with the people.
(b) Found new nations.
(c) Redeem sinners.
(d) Renew culture from death.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Leeming mean by the term 'monomyth'?

2. How does Leeming say the hero's quest typically begins?

3. How does Leeming say the Greeks thought of Delphi?

4. What does Leeming say the chasm at Delphi gives access to?

5. What does Leeming say each place or object has in myth?

Short Essay Questions

1. What mythic significance does Leeming say European cathedrals have?

2. What significance does Leeming attribute to the labyrinth in myth?

3. How does Leeming describe the story of Joan of Arc?

4. How does Leeming describe the myth of Moses?

5. How does Leeming define the term monomyth?

6. What is significant in the story of Teiresias, in Leeming's description?

7. How does Leeming say describe the most important aspect of the hero's myth?

8. How does Leeming describe the hero Herakles?

9. What does Leeming say the Mountain represents in myth?

10. What significance does Leeming attribute to Delphi?

(see the answer keys)

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