The Woman in Cabin 10 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ware, Ruth
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Woman in Cabin 10 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ware, Ruth
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are two potential investors on the cruise?
(a) Anne and Lo.
(b) Lars and Owen.
(c) Jay and May.
(d) There are no investors.

2. How does Lo know the bathroom door did not close on its own?
(a) It takes a code.
(b) It is already closed.
(c) It is too heavy.
(d) It is on a timer.

3. Who owns the Aurora?
(a) Lady Donna Decker.
(b) Lord Richard Bullmer.
(c) Sir Anthony Moore.
(d) Madam Borealis.

4. What does Judah ask Lo to do with him?
(a) Adopt children.
(b) Go skiing.
(c) Move in.
(d) Elope.

5. What does Chloe tell Lo is the reason Anne is not at dinner?
(a) Anne is lost.
(b) Anne is swimming.
(c) Anne is a recluse.
(d) Anne is at dinner.

6. What is Lo's view from the shower?
(a) Sink and mirror.
(b) Bed and dresser.
(c) Veranda and ocean.
(d) Table and chair.

7. What is Lo's best friend's name?
(a) Lex.
(b) Leia.
(c) Lara.
(d) Lissie.

8. Why does Lo feel the main cabin door is better than her front door at home?
(a) It is made of gold.
(b) It is strong and sturdy.
(c) It has a number.
(d) It is blue.

9. Who is the main character?
(a) Jo Matlock.
(b) Lo Blacklock.
(c) Poe Blackstock.
(d) Bo Babcock.

10. What does the intruder do to Lo's apartment?
(a) Douses it in gasoline.
(b) Rents it.
(c) Ransacks it.
(d) Floods it.

11. What ailment is Lo inflicted with at the beginning of dinner?
(a) Broken toe.
(b) Sprained wrist.
(c) Hiccups.
(d) Headache.

12. What does Lo have to read before her trip?
(a) Press packet.
(b) Newspaper.
(c) Ship maintenance book.
(d) Gossip columns.

13. What is the ship too far away from for Lo to get phone service?
(a) Veizon tower.
(b) US transmitters.
(c) UK transmitters.
(d) T-mobile.

14. How does the locksmith frighten Lo?
(a) He falls.
(b) He cries when he sees her lock.
(c) He tells her about burglary repeats.
(d) He breaks in.

15. How does Lo retaliate when Ben gropes her?
(a) Cuts him.
(b) Shoots him.
(c) Gossips.
(d) Knees him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Lo not hear the intruder come into her house?

2. What does Richard say is the best part of the cruise?

3. Who is Lo's boyfriend?

4. Who does Lo email on Sunday, September 20?

5. What does Ben do to Lo while she is entering her cabin?

(see the answer keys)

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