The Well of Loneliness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Well of Loneliness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many children does Colonel Antrim have?
(a) Three.
(b) Five.
(c) Two.
(d) Four.

2. What ailment does Collins suffer with?
(a) Club feet.
(b) Migranes.
(c) Diabetes.
(d) Housemaid's knee.

3. After Sir Phillip's death, what does Stephen decide for her education?
(a) She remains at Morton rather than go to Oxford.
(b) Nothing changes. She attends Oxford just as her father wanted of her.
(c) Instead of going to Oxford, Steven enrolls in a fencing academy.
(d) She enrolls in more difficult classes and activites, hoping to exceed her father's expectatons.

4. What character can be most reasonably inferred to truly understand Stephen's sexuality?
(a) Lady Anna.
(b) Mademoiselle Dupont.
(c) Williams the head groom.
(d) Sir Phillip.

5. What is the likely reason Lady Anna feels left out of Sir Phillip and Stephen's discussions?
(a) Sir Phillip intentionally keeps her out.
(b) Lady Anna is not highly educated.
(c) Stephen stops talking when Lady Anna enters the room.
(d) Lady Anna is afraid of what she might learn.

6. What characteristic traits can best describe Stephen's tutor, Mademoiselle Duphot, as their relationship develops?
(a) Stern and unemotional.
(b) Fun and unprofessional.
(c) Critical and manipulative.
(d) Compassionate and supportive.

7. When Lady Anna catches wind of her daughter's suspected relationship with Angela, were does she confront Stephen?
(a) In Stephen's bedroom.
(b) In the study.
(c) In the kitchen.
(d) In the gardenhouse.

8. Sir Phillip desires Stephen attend which university?
(a) St. Andrews.
(b) Oxford.
(c) Cambridge.
(d) Edinburgh.

9. Who is most encouraged by the developing relationship between Stephen and Martin?
(a) Colonel Antrim.
(b) Lady Anna.
(c) Violet Antrim.
(d) Sir Phillip.

10. What is the first name of Angela's husband?
(a) Ralph.
(b) Tony.
(c) Andy.
(d) Gareth.

11. Which of the following best describes Angela's husband?
(a) Angry and abusive.
(b) Promiscuous, as illustrated by his advances toward Stephen.
(c) Not enough information. He is rarely at home.
(d) Gentle and loving.

12. During the love triangle, what is causing Stephen's misery?
(a) Stephen's mother, Lady Anna, has moved out of Morton.
(b) Stephen's horse, Collins, dies.
(c) Angela's pet dog, Tony, dies.
(d) Stephen is convinced she is losing Angela.

13. After her heartbreaking discovery in Angela's garden, what does Stephen do as a consequence?
(a) She bursts through the bushes, screaming at Angela.
(b) She passes out in the bushes while spying on Angela.
(c) She drives all night through the countryside.
(d) She walks back to Morton, leaving her car near Angela's home.

14. Where do Stephen an Angela share their first kiss?
(a) During Stephen's tour of the Morton property.
(b) In Stephen's study.
(c) In Anglea's kitchen after tea.
(d) While walking Angela's dog in the park.

15. What action does Lady Anna take after noticing her daughter's behavior towards the housemaid, Collins?
(a) Lovingly embraces Stephen.
(b) Ignores the behavior and goes about her day.
(c) Takes Stephen shopping.
(d) Slaps Stephen across the face.

Short Answer Questions

1. After hearing rumors of Angela's love life, what action does Stephen take in a desperate attempt to impress Angela?

2. What activity is simply too painful for Stephen to continue now with the absence of her late father?

3. As Stephen grows older, what activity do her and Sir Phillip share together?

4. With her new pet, what does Stephen demand of herself?

5. What best describes Stephen's initial feelings towards the housemaid, Collins?

(see the answer keys)

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