The Wasp Factory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wasp Factory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Frank not know his mother well?
(a) She left when he was young.
(b) She kept her life a secret.
(c) She rarely calls him.
(d) She died when he was young.

2. Where does Frank meet his friend Jamie in "The Bomb Circle"?
(a) A pub.
(b) A hotel restaurant.
(c) A diner.
(d) The bomb circle.

3. What does Frank say he believed about Paul's soul?
(a) It was old.
(b) It was really Old Saul.
(c) It was better loved.
(d) It was tarnished.

4. How does Frank describe his existence in "Sacrifice Poles"?
(a) Hidden.
(b) Troubled.
(c) Dangerous.
(d) Unofficial.

5. Why does Jamie sit on Frank's shoulders in "The Bomb Circle"?
(a) Because they are both drunk.
(b) So he can reach something.
(c) So he can see a band.
(d) So he doesn't have to walk.

6. Which uncle does Frank take the blame for his death?
(a) None of them.
(b) Harmsworth.
(c) Leviticus.
(d) Athelwald.

7. What does Angus say he did when Agnes returned home?
(a) Gave him money to stay at a hotel.
(b) Let her stay.
(c) Kicked her out.
(d) Took her to a hospital.

8. How does Frank describe the murders of his three relatives?
(a) As a phase.
(b) As a mistake.
(c) As a game.
(d) As his pride.

9. What does Frank believe his father does in his study?
(a) Hides important documents.
(b) Runs a business.
(c) Something illegal.
(d) Conduct experiments.

10. Where was Frank while Agnes gave birth?
(a) Hiding in the car.
(b) Asleep in his bed.
(c) In the kitchen.
(d) Playing outside.

11. What does Frank say he started doing after his accident?
(a) Killing small animals.
(b) Going to church.
(c) Killing his relatives.
(d) Hating his mother.

12. What does Frank say fell to the earth after Paul died?
(a) Pieces of rock.
(b) Paul's clothing.
(c) Shards of glass.
(d) Rain.

13. What does Frank like about the naming ceremony for his catapult?
(a) It brings a sense of calm.
(b) It makes him feel blessed.
(c) It makes him feel powerful.
(d) It lets him use candles.

14. Why does Frank hate women?
(a) Because they are weak.
(b) Because they are smarter than he is.
(c) Because they are pretty.
(d) Because they are kind.

15. What does Frank say he told Paul the German mortar was?
(a) A bomb.
(b) A car part.
(c) A present.
(d) A bell.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Sacrifice Poles," what does Eric tell Frank about his location when he calls?

2. How does Frank say he used to use a sapling as a weapon?

3. Why doesn't Frank go into Angus' study?

4. What does Frank say he hoped happened to Esmeralda?

5. What does Mrs. Clamp do for a living?

(see the answer keys)

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