The Voyage of the Beagle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Voyage of the Beagle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Darwin and some crew members walk on when they visit the island of San Pedro?
(a) layers of dry salt
(b) hot rocks from a volcano
(c) soft, black sand
(d) layers of logs several yards thick

2. What is a principal industry of Chile that Darwin observes?
(a) ship building
(b) iron smelting
(c) jewelry making
(d) mining copper and gold

3. What theory of Darwin's after observing the atolls is still considered valid today?
(a) how the atolls were formed
(b) how atolls help the ocean ecology
(c) what makes coral grow in a circle
(d) why atolls are disappearing

4. Where do the wooden houses best withstand the effects of the massive earthquake?
(a) the town of Concepcion
(b) the houseboats of Chiloe
(c) where there are solid foundations
(d) the Island of Valdivia

5. What does Darwin speculate about as he observes the snow melt percolating and loosening rocks?
(a) how rich ores are found
(b) how plants are introduced
(c) how the geology develops
(d) how minerals are formed

6. What is Darwin's assessment of New Zealand?
(a) It is a paradise.
(b) It is not diverse.
(c) It is not a pleasant place.
(d) It is too isolated.

7. Where does Darwin prepare to cross the Andes Mountains through the Portillo pass?
(a) at Bogota
(b) at Santiago
(c) at Valparaiso
(d) at Lima

8. Where does Darwin find fossil rich deposits and evidence of a recent land elevation?
(a) Tasmania
(b) New South Wales
(c) near Perth
(d) Ayers Rock

9. Who are the unusually tall people compared to other natives of the area?
(a) the Patagonians
(b) the Incas
(c) the Argentinians
(d) the Tierrans

10. After the miserable climate around Tierra del Fuego, what does Darwin enjoy about Chile?
(a) the calm sea and white beaches
(b) the clear, dry and warm weather
(c) the hot desert climate
(d) the gentle, constant rains

11. How does Darwin compare the natives of New Zealand to the Tahitians?
(a) about the same
(b) more warlike and unpleasant company
(c) better educated and more peaceful
(d) shorter and less attractive

12. Where does Darwin find mostly desert with a few mines of low quality here and there?
(a) the eastern part of Chile
(b) the northern part of Chile
(c) the central part of Chile
(d) the coastal part of Chile

13. Leaving Lima, where does the Beagle sail?
(a) Baja California
(b) back to Chile
(c) the Galapagos archipelago
(d) Panama City

14. On his second attempt, what is Capt. Fitz Roy able to navigate successfully?
(a) the Antarctic Channel
(b) the Sea of Sighs
(c) the Great Barrier Reef
(d) the Strait of Magellan

15. What does the host at the Hacienda de San Isidro provide for Darwin?
(a) a secretary to transcribe his notes
(b) clothes more suitable for the weather
(c) maps of the Chilean coastline
(d) a fresh horse and a guide

Short Answer Questions

1. After sailing away from Chile, where does the Beagle go?

2. To what does Darwin compare the convict slave laborers in Australia?

3. What do reddish brown clouds turn out to be?

4. How does Darwin describe the dress of the Chilean miners?

5. Where does Darwin spend the night after descending the Blue Mountain plateau?

(see the answer keys)

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