The Vagina Monologues Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eve Ensler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Vagina Monologues Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eve Ensler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of procedures were performed on orgasmic women who were deemed to have medical problems?
(a) Light.
(b) Torturous.
(c) Invasive.
(d) Safe.

2. What word does the author explain her reasoning for using frequently at the beginning of the Preface?
(a) Vagina.
(b) Woman.
(c) Empowerment.
(d) Angry.

3. How would the euphemisms used in the opening comments before the play describing the vagina be described?
(a) Inquisitive.
(b) Excited.
(c) Humorous.
(d) Serious.

4. How does the speaker of "The Vagina Monologue" describe her first real orgasm?
(a) Sadly.
(b) Happily.
(c) Poetically.
(d) Angrily.

5. How are the side effects to the invasive genital surgeries performed on many women described?
(a) Pain free.
(b) Painful and life threatening.
(c) Harmful but able to heal.
(d) Safe.

6. What does the author say it is difficult for a woman to actually do in regards to her vagina in the opening comments before the play?
(a) Feel it.
(b) See it.
(c) Smell it.
(d) Understand it.

7. What is described as "the leaf around the flower" in the book?
(a) The female form.
(b) The vagina.
(c) Pubic hair.
(d) The brain.

8. What weapon of war does the author wish to raise awareness of in the introductions to "My Vagina was a Village"?
(a) Rape.
(b) Kidnapping.
(c) Murder.
(d) Torture.

9. In what year does the investigation of witchcraft discussed in the vagina fact take place?
(a) 1605.
(b) 1765.
(c) 1650.
(d) 1593.

10. What kind of accent does the speaker of the monologue "The Vagina Workshop" have?
(a) Midwestern.
(b) English.
(c) Southern.
(d) French.

11. What kind of western religions does the author say recreates the shape of female organs in their architecture?
(a) Domineering.
(b) Matriarchal.
(c) Patriarchal.
(d) Compassionate.

12. What does a woman describe that her husband does not like about her in the first monologue of the play?
(a) Her face.
(b) Her breasts.
(c) Her pubic hair.
(d) Her vagina.

13. What does the speaker of "The Flood" say made her resentful for having to talk about her vagina?
(a) Being raped.
(b) Her period.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Her mother.

14. What does the author say simply having a vagina makes an individual a target for, in the Preface?
(a) Unhappiness.
(b) Violence.
(c) Love.
(d) Lust.

15. What does the author conclude the word vagina is not, in the Preface?
(a) Dirty.
(b) Calming.
(c) Happy.
(d) Safe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is not one of the answers given to the first question the author presents with multiple answers in the book?

2. Whose activist spirit does the author of the Forward describe when discussing her sex organs?

3. What does the speaker of "Because He Liked to Look at It" say was a stimulant for her the most from her boyfriend?

4. What war does the author discuss in the introductions to "My Vagina was a Village"?

5. How does the speaker of "My Angry Vagina" speak in the monologue?

(see the answer keys)

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