The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. It was predicted that Oedipus would kill who?
(a) Brother.
(b) Child.
(c) King.
(d) Queen.

2. What fairy tale character was the writer's favorite?
(a) Sleeping Beauty.
(b) Rapunzel.
(c) Rumpelstiltskin.
(d) Red Riding Hood.

3. Disregarding a personality can be equivalent to discarding what?
(a) Ego.
(b) Reality.
(c) Person.
(d) Choice.

4. When faced with ambivalence, a child must learn to understand which emotion is the most:
(a) Useful.
(b) Beneficial.
(c) Valuable.
(d) Harmful.

5. What famous character has been studied by psychologists and psychiatrists?
(a) Cinderella.
(b) Sphinx.
(c) Oedipus.
(d) Big bad wolf.

6. What famous doctor is well known for his studies on that particular character?
(a) Freud.
(b) Spock.
(c) Jung.
(d) Sartre.

7. Fairy tales help children to learn how to develop which of the following?
(a) Phobias.
(b) Storytelling skills.
(c) Solutions.
(d) Imagination.

8. The author states that learning how to integrate personalities is ______ to a child.
(a) Pointless.
(b) Beneficial.
(c) Important.
(d) Essential.

9. What story does the little girl relate to her mother?
(a) Snow White.
(b) Little Red Riding Hood.
(c) Sleeping Beauty.
(d) Cinderella.

10. The separation of good and evil is often portrayed in fairy tales through what type of character?
(a) Wicked Stepmother.
(b) Evil magical creature.
(c) Benevolent force.
(d) Monster.

11. In ancient times, stories were often fashioned from tales regarding _________________.
(a) Strange creatures.
(b) Talking animals.
(c) Gods and goddesses.
(d) Religious figures.

12. What is the first story referred to by the Brothers Grimm?
(a) Fisherman and the Jinny.
(b) Jack and the Beanstalk.
(c) Hansel and Gretel.
(d) Queen Bee.

13. Religious parables gave the child a view of all of the following except for which one?
(a) Realism.
(b) Tradition.
(c) Morality.
(d) Spirituality.

14. Who is the villain in the first story?
(a) Queen.
(b) Witch.
(c) Stepmother.
(d) Wolf.

15. Fairy tales tend to start out in what way?
(a) Abstract.
(b) Realistic.
(c) Concrete.
(d) Fanciful.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the negative aspect related to the character(s)?

2. The child must resign the story so s/he can go where?

3. The outcome of the story depends fully on what in regards to the character?

4. During this phase, a child often tends to feel what?

5. Both philosophers believed that myth equaled what?

(see the answer keys)

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