The Truelove Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Truelove Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Surprise put into tip-top shape?
(a) For an inspection by the admiral of the 3rd fleet.
(b) For hosting a conference of several British ship commanders.
(c) For a celebration.
(d) For arrival at their next port.

2. Who are Wray and Ledward?
(a) Two treasonous government officials.
(b) Two brothers who often come to where Clarissa works.
(c) The name of the House of Commons sponsors of a bill to legalize prostitution.
(d) The name of the solicitor's firm that Clarissa uses.

3. What is the status of the Trulove?
(a) It is running a blockade at Pabay.
(b) It is docked as a prize at Pabay.
(c) It has headed for England.
(d) It has sunk.

4. How is the dinner conversation?
(a) Crude.
(b) Lively.
(c) Strained and stilted.
(d) Ambiguous.

5. What arises in Chapter 5?
(a) A storm.
(b) A ship-wide wager.
(c) A ship-wide illness.
(d) A serious fight among the crew.

6. Who speaks freely?
(a) Only Clarissa.
(b) Maturin.
(c) Only Aubrey.
(d) Aubrey and Clarissa.

7. Who is reserved and proper nearly to the point of being rude?
(a) Pullings.
(b) Davidge.
(c) Martin.
(d) Maturin.

8. To what does Edward's problem eventually lead?
(a) A horrible death.
(b) Allowing creditors sexual favors with his two young female charges.
(c) He is confined in an asylum for the mentally ill.
(d) He eventually kills someone during a violent episode and is hanged.

9. How does Aubrey continue to spend his time?
(a) In re-designing the rigging.
(b) In sorting through his voluminous estate papers.
(c) In teaching more intricate sea manuevers.
(d) In playing whist and bridge with Maturin.

10. Who drinks himself under the table?
(a) Midshipman Reade.
(b) Maturin.
(c) The first mate.
(d) Aubrey.

11. From what does Edward eventually suffer?
(a) Rabies.
(b) Dementia.
(c) Financial reverses.
(d) Bouts of violence.

12. What position does Clarissa eventually add on to her first job?
(a) Cook.
(b) Prostitute.
(c) Bookkeeper.
(d) Maid.

13. Where does the Surprise put in?
(a) Easter Island.
(b) Annamooka.
(c) Java.
(d) Tahiti.

14. How does Aubrey try to solve the problem some of the officers are having?
(a) 10 lashes.
(b) A tongue lashing.
(c) A reprimand.
(d) Working them to exhaustion.

15. What does Aubrey realize about his crew?
(a) That they do not seem to enjoy the sailing as much as usual.
(b) That they are still in a giddy mood.
(c) That something is seriously amiss.
(d) That they hav begun to slip in their duties.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Oakes, West and Davidge demonstrate?

2. What do Aubrey and Maturin both note as Oakes and Clarissa enter the officer's mess?

3. If Aubrey intervenes, what will be the implication?

4. Upon whose behalf do Maturin and Aubrey think they must intervene?

5. What topic do Aubrey and others at times discuss humorously?

(see the answer keys)

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