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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Which famous poet does Hugo say becomes someone else during the writing of a poem?
2. What does Hugo say that Auden believes is the nemesis of American writers?
3. Who do the G.I.'s stomp and whistle for when she comes onscreen in the movie that Hugo says is worse than bombardier?
4. Hugo states that a Snopes poet obviously finds conservatism _____.
5. Who is the creative writing teacher credited for teaching Eliot, Williams, Hemingway, and Yeats?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Auden express his disdain for competitiveness among writers?
2. Why does Hugo say that Cerignola has a bad reputation in Italy?
3. Why does Hugo say not to write with a pen?
4. Why is acclaim considered by Hugo to be dangerous to the poet?
5. Describe Hugo's analogy of the mask and how it changes as the poet progresses.
6. According to Hugo, why are the poet's feelings about himself influential to his writing?
7. How does Hugo feel about the British colonel and why?
8. How is it that Hugo and his wife are able to go to Italy?
9. What is the atmosphere between the literature and creative writing departments at Montana as described by Hugo?
10. Why does Hugo recommend that the poet carry with him at all times and why?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
How does Ghiselin present an uncompromising picture of what one has done in the poem, "Rattlesnake"? In Hugo's estimation, what effect does his use of multi-syllabic and single-syllabic words have on the impact of different parts of the poem?
Essay Topic 2
Describe Hugo's view of a poet's fear of amoral and shallow writing. When does Hugo say that this kind of writing would occur? What does he say of the moral sense of all the poets he knows personally?
Essay Topic 3
When Hugo meets a woman who asks for cigarettes in the field outside Canosa, how does he treat her? Why dose he treat her that way? How does he feel about the way he treats her?
This section contains 695 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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