The Tortilla Curtain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Tortilla Curtain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Kyra's profession?
(a) Attorney.
(b) Realtor.
(c) Surgeon.
(d) Midwife.

2. What does Delaney see on his walk through Arroyo Blanco?
(a) A pack of coyotes.
(b) Dead dogs.
(c) The person he hit with his car.
(d) A car with tinted windows.

3. What sort of work is América hoping for?
(a) Cooking.
(b) Retail.
(c) Babysitting.
(d) Housecleaning.

4. Why is Delaney angry toward his neighbors?
(a) They don't like dogs much.
(b) They are accepting of racial minorities.
(c) They want to take down the manned fence.
(d) They leave food outside that attracts wild animals.

5. What jerks Delaney out of his flashback?
(a) A coyote capturing the family dog.
(b) The food on the grill burning.
(c) His wife crying for help from the swimming pool.
(d) A sudden thunderstorm.

6. Where does América go to seek work?
(a) A daycare.
(b) The labor exchange.
(c) A Mexican restaurant.
(d) A real estate office.

7. What kind of car does Delaney drive?
(a) Volvo.
(b) Subaru.
(c) BMW.
(d) Acura.

8. How old is América?
(a) Eleven.
(b) Seventeen.
(c) Fifty-two.
(d) About thirty-five.

9. What does Candidó consider stealing out of a car when he becomes angry?
(a) A cell phone.
(b) A stereo system.
(c) A baby.
(d) A purse and briefcase.

10. What causes Candidó's first marriage to end?
(a) His first wife died suddenly.
(b) His wife was sleeping with someone else.
(c) He leaves her when he moves to the United States.
(d) He beats his wife mercilessly.

11. According to one resident, three Mexicans disguised themselves as what to get past the gate of Arroyo Blanco Estates?
(a) Delivery men.
(b) Lawn workers.
(c) Painters.
(d) Carpet cleaners.

12. Which of the following does Candidó notice about one of the boys who attacks his campsite?
(a) Candidó recognizes him from his childhood.
(b) He is dressed in a suit and tie.
(c) He has red hair.
(d) He looks just like Candidó.

13. What is the topic of discussion at the party in Delaney's neighborhood?
(a) The unusually rainy weather.
(b) The local public high school.
(c) Recent crimes in the neighborhood.
(d) The flu epidemic going around.

14. What does Candidó swear he will do to the two men who attacked his wife?
(a) Kill them.
(b) Hug them.
(c) Hold them at gunpoint and demand they give him money.
(d) Hire other men to assault them.

15. Why does Kyra decide she will call INS on the Mexican men at the convenience store?
(a) They acted inappropriately toward her.
(b) She believes they contribute to declining home prices.
(c) They are all drunk.
(d) She saw one of them stealing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do América and Candidó fight about before she goes to the labor exchange?

2. Why does Kyra become upset outside the restaurant when she goes to meet Delaney for lunch?

3. Where does Delaney go to get a new car?

4. Who does América encounter on the trail to her campsite?

5. What does Delaney give to the person he hits?

(see the answer keys)

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