The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who caused Matus the trauma as she tried to kill him?
(a) La Mancha.
(b) La Rosita.
(c) La Traviata.
(d) La Catalina.

2. What is the other name given to a person who is considered to be a medicine man?
(a) Bolo.
(b) Brujo.
(c) Diblero.
(d) Bruja.

3. What does Diablero mean, as Matus defines it in the course of the story?
(a) Plant guide.
(b) Medicine man.
(c) Shape shifter.
(d) Dog ally.

4. What does Castaneda receive in order to mash and to soak it overnight?
(a) Mushroom stems.
(b) Wild cactus.
(c) Portion of root.
(d) Dog tail.

5. What does Castaneda think Matus is doing to him after the test?
(a) Hurting him.
(b) Teasing him.
(c) Putting a spell on him.
(d) Humoring him.

6. Who is Castaneda meant to meet face to face as a result of this test?
(a) Mescalito.
(b) The Beauty.
(c) The Allies.
(d) Manitruto.

7. __________ is an untamable power, protector, and teacher.
(a) Matus.
(b) John.
(c) Castaneda.
(d) Mescalito.

8. Matus announces that he has _________ in order to find out Castaneda's intentions.
(a) Smoked.
(b) Sang.
(c) Prayed.
(d) Tested.

9. Matus dares Castaneda to meet __________ by having him perform a particular test.
(a) Mescalito.
(b) His crow.
(c) The Spirits.
(d) The lizards.

10. Castaneda should focus on his _________ rather than on his fear.
(a) Struggles.
(b) Animal allies.
(c) Calling.
(d) Writing.

11. Where does Carlos Castaneda first meet his teacher for the story?
(a) Drum circle.
(b) Border bus stop.
(c) Convenience mart.
(d) School.

12. Visions must be ___________ to rather than viewed, says Matus laughing at Castaneda's experience.
(a) Listened.
(b) Sung.
(c) Walked.
(d) Danced.

13. Who is surprised to see his normally unplayful dog acting playful?
(a) Phillip.
(b) Matus.
(c) John.
(d) George.

14. When Castaneda organizes his observations of the work he's done, what does he hope to show?
(a) Utter madness.
(b) Matus' life
(c) Lack of proof of plant power.
(d) Internal cohesion.

15. What is Castaneda able to do which makes him feel quite pleased with himself?
(a) Jump long distances.
(b) Fly.
(c) Sing.
(d) See in the dark.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Castaneda warned not to do when they are down by the creek?

2. What are honguitos, the things Matus and Castaneda have to travel five days in order to find?

3. Who carefully scrubs the roots, stems, and leaves when they are done gathering plants from the canyons?

4. Jimson Weed and Mushrooms are used to acquire __________.

5. What does Castaneda promise to do during the lizard rituals?

(see the answer keys)

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