The Taming of the Shrew Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Taming of the Shrew Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word does Petruchio speak in Act III, Scene II meaning to engage in drunken revel?
(a) Incriminate
(b) Compensate
(c) Carouse
(d) Discriminate

2. Hortensio claims that he will marry a wealthy widow before how many days pass in Act IV, Scene II?
(a) 5
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 7

3. Who does Lucentio say AEacides was in Act III, Scene I?
(a) Jupiter
(b) Ajax
(c) Ares
(d) Athena

4. What is the setting for Act IV, Scene IV?
(a) Before an alehouse
(b) Before Baptista’s house
(c) Hortensio’s house
(d) A room in Lucentio’s house

5. Who says of Petruchio and Katharina in Act III, Scene II, “Of all mad matches never was the like”?
(a) Hortensio
(b) Tranio
(c) Baptista
(d) Bianca

6. According to Curtis in Act IV, Scene I, Petruchio lectures Katharina on what in their bridal chamber?
(a) Politics
(b) Her father
(c) Her education
(d) Continency

7. What does Katharina say a woman may be made “if she had not a spirit to resist” in Act III, Scene II?
(a) A child
(b) A wife
(c) A monster
(d) A fool

8. What does Curtis call Grumio in Act IV Scene I?
(a) Toad-liver’d lout
(b) Pox on humanity
(c) Valorous rogue
(d) Three-inch fool

9. What kind of bracelets does Petruchio describe in Act IV, Scene III?
(a) Amber
(b) Golden
(c) Diamond
(d) Silver

10. What word from Act IV, Scene I refers to wrath or irritability?
(a) Loutish
(b) Choler
(c) Hyperbolical
(d) Chantry

11. What is brought in by the Servants for Petruchio and Katharina’s dinner in Act IV, Scene I?
(a) Filet mignon
(b) Mutton
(c) Onion soup
(d) Leg of lamb

12. After Petruchio and Katharina exit in Act III, Scene II, Baptista says, “Nay, let them go, a couple of” what?
(a) Mad ones
(b) Quarrelsome souls
(c) Quiet ones
(d) Dainty souls

13. What word from Act III, Scene II refers to a rich sweet wine made from muscat grapes?
(a) Muscadel
(b) Muscatine
(c) Muscine
(d) Musciola

14. Hortensio calls Lucentio a wrangling what in Act III, Scene I?
(a) Pedant
(b) Coxcomb
(c) Dandy
(d) Fool

15. What word from Act III, Scene II means to rule arbitrarily or despotically?
(a) Dispose
(b) Incriminate
(c) Domineer
(d) Arraign

Short Answer Questions

1. Upon entering in Act III, Scene II, Petruchio remarks of Katharina, “To me she's married, not unto my” what?

2. What term from Act III, Scene II refers to an ecclesiastic representing the pope or a bishop?

3. What is the name of Petruchio’s spaniel he asks for in Act IV, Scene I?

4. Biondello tells Baptista that Petruchio is wearing a pair of boots that have been what in Act III, Scene II?

5. Whose pumps were all “unpink’d I’ the heel” according to Grumio in Act IV, Scene I?

(see the answer keys)

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