The Subtle Knife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Subtle Knife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Will ask Mrs. Cooper to do for him?
(a) Fix him some soup
(b) Come clean his house
(c) Watch his mother
(d) Hide him

2. What does Will say when Lyra apologizes for not having used the alethiometer to help him find his father?
(a) He laughs
(b) He tells her that he is ashamed of his behavior also
(c) He comforts her
(d) He doesn't care if she is sorry or not

3. What does Will begin looking for when he goes back to his empty house?
(a) Golden Compass
(b) Thing one and Thing two
(c) Subtle Knife
(d) Green leather writing case

4. What does Lyra tell Will would happen to the alethiometer if she began using it to spy on people for her enjoyment?
(a) It would stop working
(b) It would begin reading false
(c) It would make her ill
(d) It would charge admission

5. What does Sir Charles claim to be and is the reason he wants the alethiometer?
(a) A truth seeker
(b) A bitter old man
(c) A magistrate for the Church
(d) A collector

6. What do Lyra and Will hear when they go back through the window to the other world after they are done at the cinema?
(a) Laughing
(b) Screaming
(c) Gun fire
(d) Coughing

7. What does Lee and his daemon notice when they look at Skraeling's daemon's face?
(a) Illness
(b) Love
(c) Hostility
(d) Fear

8. What happens while Will is in the house that changes his plans?
(a) He kills one of the men
(b) The men get the case before he does
(c) Wil finds the case empty
(d) Mrs. Cooper returns with Wil's mother

9. What does Lyra produce when Will asks her if she has any money?
(a) Jewels
(b) Gold
(c) A blank check book
(d) A credit card

10. What does Lyra explain that the Church people in her world believe Dust to be?
(a) Demon possession
(b) Allergy nightmares
(c) A person's soul
(d) Original sin

11. At the beginning of chapter four who does Will call?
(a) His mother
(b) Mrs. Cooper
(c) Family lawyer
(d) Family doctor

12. What does Lee notice the Skraeling has on his ring?
(a) A symbol for the witches clan
(b) Dust's symbol
(c) A symbol for the Authority
(d) The Church's symbol

13. What does Lyra tell the police officers that she and Will are looking for?
(a) Library
(b) Police Station
(c) Museum
(d) Mall

14. When Will is forced to flee his home where does he travel to in order to find answers to his questions?
(a) Oxford
(b) To find Lyra
(c) His uncle's house
(d) Cittàgazze

15. What does Hester tell Lee to take after the Skraeling is dead?
(a) His coat
(b) His letter to the Church
(c) His ring
(d) His money purse

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the police ask Lyra about while in Dr. Malone's office that lets her know she is in trouble?

2. How does Will know Mrs. Cooper?

3. What does Lyra's daemon, Pantalaimon, do that shocks Will for a moment?

4. Who does Umaq tell Lee to go ask about Stanislaus Grumman?

5. What does Will tell Lyra she will need before she goes to his Oxford?

(see the answer keys)

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