The Sparrow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sparrow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Father Emilio Sandoz is released from the Jesuit residence near the _________________ from the Salvador Mundi Hospital.
(a) Vatican.
(b) Giza Pyramids.
(c) Library.
(d) Monastery.

2. Who spies the interactions between Sandoz, Edward, and Candotti from the balcony at the Naples estate?
(a) Giuliani.
(b) Johannes.
(c) No one.
(d) Voelker.

3. What did Sofia turn to after she lost her entire family to the war? How did she support herself?
(a) Prostitution.
(b) Writing.
(c) Begging.
(d) Stealing.

4. What happens in order for Sofia Mendes to suddenly be a free agent for the first time in a long time in her life?
(a) Her contract is bought.
(b) She becomes a part of the staff.
(c) She escapes.
(d) Her broker dies.

5. Jimmy Quinn, a worker at the Arecibo dish, is about to be replaced by ____________________.
(a) Father Sandoz.
(b) Artificial intelligence.
(c) A new man.
(d) His brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. Jimmy is happy, however, that he had _________ months of experience working at Arecibo before he gets fired.

2. Who does Jimmy Quinn call after he listens to space and hears a beautiful piece of extraterrestrial music?

3. Father Sandoz is a native of Puerto Rico and has a doctorate in _____________, according to the story.

4. The Magellan crew, when they got to the planet, found that there was a group of angry natives, the ___________.

5. What is a nickname that is given to Sofia Mendes for the profession and position she holds?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Sandoz discover to be the purpose of the songs which beckoned the crew to come find the planet?

2. Why was Father Sandoz staying at the Jesuit Residence near the Vatican at the start of the book?

3. What does Sandoz reveal about the sexuality of the Runa, according to his experiences on the planet?

4. What is discovered about the breeding status of the Runa as the book continues?

5. What does Voelker believe about the crew that went to Rakhat, a critic of the mission as a whole?

6. What can Sandoz now do that he has new braces on his hands, according to the story?

7. What does Giuliani order Sandoz to do so that he can be of use for the group?

8. What causes Anne to mock the priests' belief in God once they have landed on the new planet?

9. What causes the crew members to begin to keep their minds off of their great loss of life?

10. What from the human culture fascinates Supaari considerably when he is exposed to them?

(see the answer keys)

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