The Seven Storey Mountain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Seven Storey Mountain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of which place in St. Antonin does Merton have unpleasant memories?
(a) The countryside.
(b) The museum.
(c) The church.
(d) The Lycee.

2. What error does Merton think Protestants commit?
(a) They do not talk enough about God and religion.
(b) They do not spend time talking with other faiths.
(c) They share too much of their personal lives when talking.
(d) They are too focused on financial issues.

3. What class does Merton say is the best he ever took at college?
(a) A philosophy class.
(b) A Shakespeare class.
(c) A physical education class.
(d) A comparative religion class.

4. What political activities does Merton participate in at the university?
(a) He is not involved with politics at the university.
(b) Student demonstrations and meetings.
(c) Church-sponsored lectures.
(d) Writing for political publications.

5. What revelation did Merton have when attending his first Mass?
(a) That many ordinary people were more conscious of God than of each other.
(b) That he did not feel out of place there.
(c) That many people at the church liked him.
(d) That many people came to Mass.

6. How does Merton describe his mother?
(a) She was a British artist.
(b) She was an American perfectionist.
(c) She was an American pessimist.
(d) She was a divorced woman.

7. Who is Mark Van Doren?
(a) He is Merton's professor and trusted friend.
(b) He is Merton's favorite priest.
(c) He is on Merton's running team.
(d) He is Merton's friend and roommate.

8. What book does Bramachari recommend to Merton?
(a) A philosophy treatise by Thomas Aquinas.
(b) His own autobiography.
(c) A biography of Martin Luther.
(d) St. Augustine's Confessions.

9. What does Merton do during the summer he returned to New York after a trip to Rome?
(a) He prepares for a diplomatic career.
(b) He begins going to bars and burlesques.
(c) He immediately visits his Aunt Maude.
(d) He continues his religious explorations.

10. What incident causes Merton personal pain at the university?
(a) A girl does not return his romantic feelings.
(b) He is cut from a sports team.
(c) His friend ignores him.
(d) He receives a poor review of his writing.

11. What, in Part 1, Chapter 4, is noticeably lacking the Merton's autobiography?
(a) The names of his girlfriends.
(b) His feelings about religion.
(c) A description of his travels.
(d) The names of his family members.

12. What did Pop allow the 15-year-old Merton to do that really impressed him?
(a) He allowed him to visit his father alone.
(b) He allowed him to drive his car.
(c) Pop allowed the 15-year-old Merton to smoke a cigarette.
(d) He allowed him to enjoy luxury travel.

13. What action he performed in the summer of 1937 prompted Merton to take another step on his journey to faith?
(a) Attending university.
(b) Writing for student publications.
(c) Participating in sports.
(d) Praying for Bonnemaman.

14. What author was an enduring influence on Merton?
(a) G.M. Hopkins.
(b) William Blake.
(c) William Faulkner.
(d) John Donne.

15. Who visited Merton in St. Antonin?
(a) John Paul and Owen.
(b) Pop and Bonnemaman.
(c) His mother.
(d) His brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Merton admire about Mark Van Doren?

2. What authors have a particular effect on Merton at university?

3. What are Merton's childhood memories of his brother?

4. Where had Merton been shortly before his father died?

5. What impresses Merton about St. Antonin?

(see the answer keys)

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