The Selfish Gene Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Selfish Gene Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the ant colonies studied by Trivers and Hare, what do the ants do with eggs stolen from other colonies?
(a) Eat the eggs.
(b) Use the ants as slaves.
(c) Use the ants as mates.
(d) Destroy the eggs.

2. What chance does a parent have of giving a particular gene to a child?
(a) A fifty percent chance.
(b) A sixty percent chance.
(c) A thirty percent chance.
(d) A forty percent chance.

3. What does PI stand for?
(a) Parental Intelligence.
(b) Parental Investment.
(c) Parental Involvement.
(d) Parental Integrity.

4. What does Dawkins demonstrate using the net benefit score?
(a) That it is to an organism's genes' benefit to show relatives that food is available.
(b) That it is to an organism's genes' benefit to alert family members to poisonous food sources.
(c) That it is to an organism's genes' benefit to alert family members of a predator.
(d) That it is to an organism's genes' benefit to alert family members to natural hazards.

5. What does Dawkins point out about different species' attitude toward offspring?
(a) Different species all care for offspring equally, if environment is accounted for.
(b) Different species fall into two categories of caring for offspring.
(c) Different species care for offspring similarly, but there is great variety between individuals within species.
(d) Different species treat offspring differently.

6. According to Dawkins, how common is it for males to help raise the young?
(a) It is the most likely scenario, with some exceptions.
(b) It never occurs in nature.
(c) It always happens to some extent.
(d) It occurs in nature, but is not always the case.

7. What does Wynne-Edwards suggest that animals do to communicate overpopulation?
(a) Eat a communal meal in an area of limited food.
(b) Gather together and make a lot of noise.
(c) Gather together in a clear area where they are easily seen.
(d) Leave measurable tracks in a common area.

8. What response does Dawkins give to the idea that birth control is wrong because it's unnatural?
(a) That birth regulation is an evolutionary adaptation.
(b) That feeding the poor is also unnatural.
(c) That birth regulation is a survival instinct.
(d) That human lifestyle is completely unnatural.

9. What ant behavior does Dawkins give as an example of seemingly altruistic behavior?
(a) Bringing food back to other ants without eating.
(b) Throwing itself in front of predators.
(c) Running into a burning anthill to retrieve others' eggs.
(d) Hanging from a ceiling as a living food pack.

10. What is difficult to explain about honeybees, according to Dawkins' theory?
(a) The large number of extra female bees.
(b) The large number of extra male bees.
(c) The large number of eggs laid by the queen.
(d) The large number of queens produced in each generation.

11. What does Dawkins describe some female birds demanding from males?
(a) They demand males walk or fly close behind them.
(b) They demand males fight off predators.
(c) They demand males fight off other birds.
(d) They demand males feed them.

12. According to the relatedness calculations in the book, how closely related is an individual to a cousin?
(a) One.
(b) One-sixth.
(c) One-quarter.
(d) One-eighth.

13. What does Medawar's study conclude?
(a) Older women are not good at distinguishing when a child costs too many resources.
(b) Older women are not as good at raising children.
(c) Older women are better at making choices between offspring.
(d) Older women are better with young children and worse with older children.

14. What is a recessive gene?
(a) A gene that has no effect except when two individuals with that gene are in close proximity.
(b) A gene that has no effect in alternate generations.
(c) A gene that has no effect until environmental triggers create an effect.
(d) A gene that has no effect until two gene fragments come together from two sources.

15. What does an animal do when it fails to claim a territory?
(a) It carves out a niche from a rival territory.
(b) It does not breed at that time.
(c) It shares a territory with other animals who failed to claim their own territory.
(d) It travels to another area.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the author suggest that bird calls might help a bird that is trying to hide by freezing to camouflage itself?

2. What happens to cuckoo eggs that look dissimilar to the host eggs they replace?

3. In the natural world, which gender does Dawkins identify as more likely to select the other for breeding?

4. According to the relatedness calculations in the book, is a child more closely related to a sibling or an uncle?

5. To what does Wynne-Edwards attribute changes to female mice as the population rises?

(see the answer keys)

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