The Screwtape Letters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Screwtape Letters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a reliable tactic to use on a new Christian?
(a) Convince him the world is basically evil.
(b) Stir childhood memories of God.
(c) Convince him the world is basically good.
(d) Flit his thinking from Christianity to his neighbors in the pews.

2. What is Screwtape's description of the safest road to Hell?
(a) Regular opportunities for sexual liaisons
(b) A gentle slope without turns, milestones, or signposts.
(c) Total disbelief in fiends.
(d) Family and friends that enable a person

3. Why is it preferable to focus the patient's mind on the future?
(a) This stirs up memories of past shortcomings.
(b) This stirs up ambition.
(c) This stirs up emphasis on the unimportant.
(d) This is contrary to what God prefers.

4. Screwtape says humans living together will develop which of these over time?
(a) Dependency about practical life matters.
(b) Spiritual awareness of the other.
(c) Voice tones and facials that irritate.
(d) Contradictory love and hate feelings.

5. What is the means to allow awakening in the patient?
(a) Overcoming small, bad habits.
(b) Rejection of materialistic mindset.
(c) Repentance of all major sins.
(d) Stillness of the soul.

6. What is the best ally for a fiend?
(a) Emotions.
(b) Memories.
(c) Fatigue.
(d) Jargon.

7. What does Screwtape remind is the real business of a fiend?
(a) Undermine faith and prevent formation of virtue.
(b) Alienate by word and action those closest to the patient.
(c) Constantly develop the patient's life regrets.
(d) Foster anger and resentment.

8. According to Lewis, when should a person be uncritical of other Christians' practices?
(a) When the practices are time consuming and demanding.
(b) When the practices are similar to the church a person attends.
(c) When the practices involve the Enemy.
(d) When the practices do not involve actual sin.

9. Why should patient prayers focus on the spiritual, never the practical?
(a) Keeps attention on what he sees as sins.
(b) Practical matters and solutions have no place in prayers.
(c) Channels his energy on useless dialog with the Enemy.
(d) Eliminates the need to take action by the patient.

10. When is the fiend's mission in the greatest danger?
(a) When the patient accepts that the Enemy exists.
(b) When the patient exercises free will.
(c) When the patient exercises free will and chooses loyalty to the Enemy.
(d) When the patient chooses the spiritual instead of science.

11. Screwtape says the best fiend work is done this way.
(a) Encouraging the patient to hold God accountable.
(b) Reviewing his fantasies while the patient rests.
(c) Keeping things out of the mind rather than planting things within it.
(d) Planting suggestive thoughts during a patient's idle moments.

12. How should the fiend encourage the patient to think about malice and benevolence?
(a) Malice toward those remote and unknown, benevolence toward the neighbors.
(b) Malice toward war leaders, benevolence to people affected by war.
(c) Malice toward declared enemies of war, benevolence to injured.
(d) Malice toward the neighbors, benevolence toward those remote and unknown.

13. When does sex work best in the fiend's favor?
(a) When sex involves deceit of another.
(b) When sex is readily available and involves multiple partners.
(c) When the patient is an adolescent.
(d) When sex is bereft of love, as a remedy for emotional pain.

14. Why should Wormwood draw the patient's attention to his humility?
(a) Humility befuddles the mind of the patient.
(b) Humility discourages self-examination.
(c) Humility encourages belief in modern jargon.
(d) Pride sets in almost immediately when a person thinks he is humble.

15. Screwtape advises that which of these pairings especially help to barricade the patient mind against the Enemy?
(a) Envy and jealousy.
(b) Revenge and nastiness.
(c) Grief and sadness.
(d) Suspense and anxiety.

Short Answer Questions

1. The Enemy consistently helps the patient in which of these situations?

2. Why does Screwtape want people totally obsessed with the future?

3. What is always the primary goal of a fiend?

4. Which type of prayer pleases the Enemy the most?

5. What does the Enemy view as true loyalty?

(see the answer keys)

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